Stefan Gentz
Professional experience for Stefan Gentz
- Current 1 year and 7 months, since Jul 2023
Principal Worldwide Evangelist, Technical Communication
Adobe Systems GmbH
As Adobe’s Principal Evangelist, my goal is to inspire organizations around the world to create engaging and effective technical communication and knowledge content using Adobe solutions such as RoboHelp, FrameMaker, and Adobe Experience Manager Guides – Adobe’s cloud-native DITA CCMS. As the driving force behind Adobe DITAWORLD, I plan, manage, and moderate the largest annual gathering for technical communicators, attracting thousands of attendees every year.
- Current 5 years and 10 months, since Apr 2019
Senior Worldwide Evangelist, Technical Communication
Adobe Systems GmbH
As the Worldwide TechComm Evangelist at Adobe, my mission is to inspire enterprises and technical writers around the world and show how to create compelling technical communication content with the Adobe Technical Communication Suite tools. I connect and communicate with software, consulting, training and solution partners, Universities, key clients, curate Adobe's “TechComm Central” blog (, host and deliver webinars and rock conferences and stages around the world.
As the Worldwide TechComm Evangelist at Adobe, my mission is to inspire enterprises and technical writers around the world and show how to create compelling technical communication content with the Adobe Technical Communication Suite tools. I connect and communicate with software, consulting, training and solution partners, Universities, key clients, curate Adobe's “TechComm Central” blog (, host and deliver webinars and rock conferences and stages around the world.
- 2 years and 1 month, Sep 2014 - Sep 2016
GALA Ambassador
Globalization and Localization Association
Als Ambassador der Globalization and Localization Association – GALA – ist meine Mission, die Organisation besser mit ihren Regionen und Sektor-Interessen zu vernetzen und einen bidirektionalen Kommunikationskanal mit unseren Mitgliedern und der Industrie im Ganzen zu etablieren. In meiner Rolle als Botschafter repräsentiere und vertrete ich die GALA und ihre Vision und Mission und trage andererseits Ideen und Feedback zurück ins Board of Directors.
- 2 years and 1 month, Mar 2014 - Mar 2016
tekom-Beirat für Tagungen
Gesellschaft für Technische Kommunikation – tekom e.V.
Mitglied im tekom-Beirat für Tagungen (conference advisory board)
- 16 years and 8 months, Mar 1999 - Oct 2015
Gesellschafter, Geschäftsführer
SMB Sozietät für Managementberatung GmbH
Assistent der Geschäftsleitung
BDB Werbeagentur GmbH
Document and Graphic Localization Specialist
Translingua Language & Technology GmbH
First language
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