Steffen Bachmann
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Professional experience for Steffen Bachmann
- Current 7 months, since Aug 2024DXC Technology Deutschland
Head of ServiceNow Consulting & Delivery DE & AT at DXC Technology
- Current 2 years and 6 months, since Sep 2022DXC Technology Deutschland
Head of Project & Program Management ITO & Cloud DACH, Nordics, Hungary
- Current 5 years and 2 months, since Jan 2020
Head Of Project- & Program Management ITO & Cloud bei DXC Technology Germany
DXC Technology EntServ Deutschland GmbH
- Current 10 years and 1 month, since Feb 2015
Head of Project Management Germany South & Central Global Project Management
DXC Technology
- 3 years and 3 months, Dec 2011 - Feb 2015
Project Portfolio Manager
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Services
Management of the project portfolios: "Central Corporate & Services" "Sales and Distribution Germany & Shared Services" within the E.ON Global Account Project Management > Responsible for oversight of the execution of the projects/programs of the Delivery Portfolio > Ensures account governance during execution, works closely with relevant interfaces and appropriate Operation leads > Ensures that changes will be able to execute and deliver the project or program according to the offered proposals
- 8 months, Apr 2011 - Nov 2011
Head of IT-Customer Service Munich
Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Services
Within my responsibilities, managing the transition from an in house service provider into one of the largest IT companies. Transferring employees into the organization. Ensure stable operations, Collaboration within the account Transition and Transformation projects Currently developing and establishing an EMEA-wide disposal process
- 4 years, Apr 2007 - Mar 2011
Head of Customer IT Services Munich II
Manage the change from a functional aligned organization into a local customer focused team with different functions: One site support (IMACD) of end user devices for the suburban locations of Munich Installation and support of decentralized telephony systems and end user devices for Munich and the south of Bavaria Establish order and asset management for the whole service region south Challenges: • Integration of local telephony staff into the technician workforce
- 9 months, Jul 2006 - Mar 2007
Head of Service Support Munich
Set up a single point of contact for the operational IT order and asset management within the Munich service center. Change from production line oriented workforce into a business and customer focused frontend function. Project manager for the development and implementation of a national order tracking tool Main responsibilities: Order & Asset management, Coordinate HW disposals,Steering 3rd party company for logistic and stock management Training of customers Handling of billing complaints
- 9 years and 1 month, Jun 1997 - Jun 2006
Head of Customer IT Service
Gesellschaft für Zahlungssysteme mbH
Enhancing customer related functions with new responsibilities to align IT with the business. Set up organization and processes and integrate single tasks into a customer service division. Main tasks: Incident, problem and service level management, Central access administration, PMO of the technical IT department. IT-service desk with first and second level support. Asset management. Coordination of comprehensive quality topics (process management, ITIL, etc.) Technical IT-department interface manager
- 2 years and 4 months, Feb 1995 - May 1997
Head of Customer Support Service
Gesellschaft für Zahlungsysteme mbH
Establish the first customer focused organization in order to increase end user productivity. Set up organization and processes and build up a single point of contact between business and IT. Main Functions: Service desk, Onsite support for managed work place, Central access administration, Within a company-wide reorganization project; subproject manager for the complete IT-functions
- 5 years and 3 months, Nov 1989 - Jan 1995
Project Manager/System Designer Application Development
Gesellschaft für Zahlungssysteme mbH
Management of major software development projects. System designer for parts of the credit card management system notification. Subproject manager of several business critical projects like: “zip code conversation” and “MasterCard with picture”.
- 1 year and 1 month, Oct 1988 - Oct 1989
Organisation Programmer
Interdialog Software AG
Development of mainframe software for real estate and mortgage administration of IBM/IMS and IBM/CICS/VSAM in COBOL. Part of the project team implementing a mortgage administration for Schweizer Rück in Zurich and Basel
Educational background for Steffen Bachmann
- Current
Control Data Institut Frankfurt
Mainframe SW-Development System Analysis
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