Steffen Schäfer
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Professional experience for Steffen Schäfer
- Current 5 years and 3 months, since Dec 2019
Freelance Product Designer & Concepter
Steffen Schäfer
Steffen is a Hamburg based freelance designer focused on developing ideas from their initial spark towards executing tailored digital experiences. He is passionate about pioneering solutions for complex problems through iteration and believes that new solutions are best uncovered together. He also loves donuts.
- 2 years, Aug 2013 - Jul 2015
47Nord Media GmbH
While freelancing as part of the 47Nord-Team as designer/concepter, I took part in various projects regarding the development of concept and design with the clients, such as CODE_N, BMW, Gibbon Slacklines, AlphaEOS and Instaffo.
Educational background for Steffen Schäfer
- 2013 - 2015
Hochschule der Medien
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