Stephan Odörfer
Professional experience for Stephan Odörfer
- Current 10 years and 1 month, since Jan 2015
Co-Founder, Board Member
NUIA, Inc.
NUIA is the 100% US subsidiary of 4tiitoo GmbH
4tiitoo created a software platform that allows people to interact naturally with everyday devices and applications using voice, gestures, posture and gaze. NUIA predicts the user's intentions and makes devices act automatically and more intelligently with us. I am responsible for the overall long-term technical direction, product management of the NUIA product line and the customer service.
- 6 years and 1 month, Dec 2007 - Dec 2013
Co-Founder, Vorstand
4tiitoo AG
4tiitoo created the worldwide first Intel / MeeGo based tablet WeTab. The UI was completely customized and optimized for easy and natural interaction. I was responsible for the overall long-term technical direction and product management of WeTab software and hardware, the core technology and infrastructure and the customer service.
- 3 years and 1 month, Apr 2004 - Apr 2007
4wd media GmbH
4wd media created a Content Management System and Automated System for Course Allocation targeting the education industry. I was responsible for the product strategy and product management, the business development and online marketing strategy.
- 4 years and 8 months, May 2001 - Dec 2005
Studentischer Mitarbeiter
TU Darmstadt
Together with another student I developed the online strategy for the faculty of architecture. I also have been student tutor for building physics and member of the faculty's academic commission.
- 2 years and 2 months, Jul 2003 - Aug 2005
Freier Mitarbeiter
TSB Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH
- 2 years and 8 months, Feb 2002 - Sep 2004
Freier Mitarbeiter
- 2 years, Sep 1997 - Aug 1999
Fischer und Kiener Architekten
Educational background for Stephan Odörfer
Technische Universität Darmstadt
First language
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