Syed Murtaza Hassan
Professional experience for Syed Murtaza Hassan
Skills: Python, Hadoop, Hive, SQL, Java, Microservices, Spark, Kafka, Git, Docker, Kubernetes, Cloudera - AWS Worked on various projects and performed tasks in designing, implementing, configuring, testing, documenting, and supporting big data applications. • Responsible for the maintenance of data ingestion, data processing, data storage, and data dissemination pipelines. • Responsible for design, implementation, and deployment of big data applications within an ETL processing pipeline.
Skills: R, SQL, MS Excel, Statistics, Data Analysis, Tableau, E-Commerce, JavaScript • Created and updated dashboards to track monthly & weekly KPIs for Management Team. • Calculated customer lifetime value (CLV) for multiple customer segments as a basis for determining marketing spending. • Created and maintained cohorts for various customer segments used as part of company's Series B fund-raise. • Provided regular support to Finance & Operations team by doing different ad hoc analysis.
- 9 months, Jan 2016 - Sep 2016
Data Scientist - Matser's Thesis
NEC Laboratories Europe
Skills: R, Python, Statistics, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Business Intelligence, Data Visualization Long-term travel time prediction using data analytics and machine learning solutions • Data cleaning of raw data. • Feature generation and feature selection by engineering the features. • Travel time prediction using machine learning models implemented in R and Python. • Performed various tasks on data visualization. • Attained business value from data for mobility problems.
- 1 year and 5 months, Aug 2014 - Dec 2015
Data Analyst - Working Student
IHS Global GmbH
Skills: SQL, Microsoft Excel, Market Analysis, Forecasting, Consultancy • Researched and analysed automotive sensors’ supply chain and built databases in Microsoft Excel. • Utilized SQL to query the data. • Utilized IHS tools and data sources to form sound forecast conclusions. • Provided analytical support to the clients.
Skills: C, Eclipse, Embedded Software • Designed and implemented various multi-touch detection techniques by programming the micro-controller in C language.
- 1 year, Sep 2012 - Aug 2013
Lab Engineer - Computer Programming
Skills: C++, Object Oriented Programming, Data Structures, Software Development • Served as a teaching and lab assistant for Computer Programming course to systematically teach C++ language.
Educational background for Syed Murtaza Hassan
- 2 years and 10 months, Oct 2013 - Jul 2016
Communications Engineering
Technische Universität München (Master's Thesis Grade: 1.0)
Selected Courses: Machine Learning, Data Science, Introduction to Big Data
- 3 years and 11 months, Oct 2008 - Aug 2012
Computer Engineering
National University of Sciences and Technology (Bachelor's Thesis Grade: A)
Selected Courses: Algorithms and Computing, Object Oriented Programming, Software Development, Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics, Database Engineering
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