Tiberiu Cotruta
Professional experience for Tiberiu Cotruta
- Current 2 years and 4 months, since Oct 2022
Senior React.js / Node.js Engineer
Senior ReactJS / NodeJS Engineer with 5 years of experience of fullstack development. I specialize in technologies like React, Node.js, Next.js, and AWS, using them to build robust and scalable solutions tailored to unique project needs. I believe in having a significant impact over a product by making web applications flawless and by driving the architectural decisions for an app towards a better path.
The client, a worldwide payment solutions provider aimed to enhance transaction facilitation between organizations and beneficiaries, however it faced challenges due to the absence of a streamlined online application. Increased the stability of the application by 50% Reduced by 30% development time of critical features by creating a modular system by using TypeScript, Redux and Webpack. Skills: React.js, TypeScript, Redux.js, Jest, BDD, React Testing Library, Material UI, Lodash, CI/CD Github
The client, a expert within the insurance industry, was experiencing substantial financial losses due to the inefficiencies of a sluggish and old web application. Successfully redesigned and proposed the frontend architecture which facilitated a more smoother and user-friendly transition to a new platform by seamlessly communicating and coordinating with the UK team. Skills: React.js, TypeScript, Redux.js, Next.js, Jest, React Testing Library, BDD, Material UI, Lodash, CI/CD Azure
- 1 year and 7 months, Dec 2019 - Jun 2021
Full-Stack React.js / Node.js Developer
The client, a leading university in the UK faces substantial challenges in transitioning to the online environment. Reduced by 30% Amazon Cloud Services costs by optimizing the Lambda functions, fixing memory leaks and introducing clean code. Improved by 15% user experience by making the whole user interface user-friendly and implementing AWS S3. Skills: React.js, JavaScript, Redux.js, Node.js, Express.js, Jest, React Testing Library, BDD, MongoDB, CI/CD AWS, AWS Lambda, AWS EC2, AWS S3, AWS CloudWatch
- 1 year and 6 months, Jun 2018 - Nov 2019
Full-Stack ReactJS / NodeJS Developer
The client, a top provider in the US cosmetic industry, wanted to deliver a seamless user experience but encountered obstacles in adapting to augmented reality technology due to a limited technical expertise. Drastically increased sales by 25% during the initial product launch by seamlessly implementing advanced functionalities using Three.js, WebAssembly and Web Workers. Skills: React.js, JavaScript, Three.js, Node.js, Express.js, PostgreSQL, OpenCV, TensorFlow, WebAssembly, Web Workers, Lodash, Bash
Educational background for Tiberiu Cotruta
- 4 years and 1 month, Sep 2013 - Sep 2017
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iaşi
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