Torsten Schmidt
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Professional experience for Torsten Schmidt
- Current 3 years and 3 months, since Dec 2021
(Team)Lead Senior Frontend Developer
Bridj Technology
Planung, Architektur, Entwicklung und Design einer Management & Operating Plattform fuer Demand Responsive (DRT) und Fixed Route Vehicle Services mit Ausrichtung als "Mobility as a Service (MaaS).
- Current 3 years and 3 months, since Dec 2021
Frontend Lead / Senior Developer
Architecting, prototyping, testing, and maintaining frontend components (Javascript/VueJS, ReactJS) for a cloud-based planning and estimating take-off software. Converting a meteor/blazed codebase to VueJS 3. Using design tools such as Figma and Storybook to create cohesive component libraries and interactive prototypes. Creating CLI tools to streamline and consolidate processes (ie. GIT, Contentful) to take the edge off the otherwise hands-on heavy workflows.
- 2 years and 1 month, Jan 2018 - Jan 2020
Lead Frontend Developer (UI/UX)
vinCreative Australia
Frontend Developer with focus on usability and user experience for ecommerce products. Building flexible SaaS store front solutions and Point of Sale solutions, transforming a monolitic web application into a multi-microservice architecture. Working with VueJS, NuxtJS, GraphQL, NodeJS, RESTful API, serverless microservices and more. Designing web-based applications and web components, buidling re-usable components.
- 4 years and 10 months, Mar 2013 - Dec 2017
Senior Software Developer (UI/UX)
simPRO Software
- 3 years and 2 months, Jan 2011 - Feb 2014
IT Project Coordinator
Job2Go Pty Ltd
Project Management of developing a web-based Recruitment Managing System Development of the company's website job2go.org Development of API and all kinds of web-based interfaces to interact with other services In-house IT (Server Management and Maintenance) Managing Online Marketing and Advertising Campaings
- 1 year and 11 months, Feb 2011 - Dec 2012
Web Developer
NoBorders Group
Umfangreiche weiterentwicklung (Konzeption, Design, Entwicklung) des bestehenden Lead Management Systems. Agent/Lawyer Management (Rechtevergabe etc.), Client Management, umfangreiche Statistiken (Referrer, Turnover, Team Performance). Weiterentwicklung einer Job Plattform.
- 3 years and 9 months, Dec 2007 - Aug 2011
Leitung der Online-Abteilung von port01.com
port01.com / Campus Trading GmbH
Leiter Entwicklung/Marketing/Support von port01 Online
Educational background for Torsten Schmidt
HTW Dresden
Geo Informationssysteme
First language
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