Veronika Winter

Angestellt, Senior User Experience Designer, TechTalk - Delivering Software with Impact

Wien, Österreich

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

User Centred Design
User Experience
Usability Testing
User Research
Interesse an Innovationmanagement
Interesse an Complexity Management
Betreuung von Studenten
Barrierefreies Webdesign


Berufserfahrung von Veronika Winter

  • Bis heute 2 Jahre und 11 Monate, seit Sep. 2021

    Externe Lektorin für Human Interface Design

    FH Burgenland

  • Bis heute 5 Jahre, seit Aug. 2019

    Externe Lektorin für User Centred Design

    FH Campus Wien
  • Bis heute 5 Jahre und 4 Monate, seit Apr. 2019

    Senior User Experience Designer

    TechTalk - Delivering Software with Impact

  • Bis heute 8 Jahre und 5 Monate, seit März 2016


    Agile Tour Vienna

  • Bis heute 9 Jahre und 5 Monate, seit März 2015

    Externe Lektorin für User Experience Design

    FH Technikum Wien

    Externe Lektorin für Usability, User Experience Design und Interaction Design, Betreuung von Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

  • 3 Jahre und 9 Monate, Aug. 2015 - Apr. 2019

    User Experience Designer

    TechTalk – Building Software that Matters
  • 4 Jahre und 5 Monate, Aug. 2014 - Dez. 2018


    UXPA Magazine

    As part of the editorial team of the UXPA Magazine ( ) I work with one article per issue acting as both a developmental editor (helping the author shape and clarify the content), making sure we have all the extra materials, like bios, photos, illustration files, writing the extracts/abstracts, and ensuring that the article meets the magazine style guide.

  • 1 Jahr und 6 Monate, Okt. 2013 - März 2015

    Junior Researcher und Lektorin

    FH Technikum Wien
  • 5 Monate, Mai 2014 - Sep. 2014

    Mitglied des ICERI2014 Scientific Advisory Board

    IATED Academy

    The ICERI2014 Scientific Advisory Board was created as a consultant body with the specific aim of getting new ideas and proposals for this conference. It is composed of selected professors and researchers from all continents around the world. As a result of my contribution presented in INTED2014 and given my expertise in some of the conference topics I was invited to join. My cooperation will consist of giving ideas to the conference and reviewing abstracts.

  • 9 Monate, Dez. 2012 - Aug. 2013

    Student Assistance in Video

    Mads Clausen Institute for Product Innovation, Syddansk Universitet

    My area of responsibility covers - Video Recording - Video Analyses - Video Editing of workshops, methods and presentations

  • 4 Monate, Juni 2012 - Sep. 2012

    User Experience Consultant

    USECON - The Usability Consultants

    This was my first contact with the professional working style in the User Experience business. During the internship I especially expand my knowledge in Usability and User Experience testing and support with these tasks: - Creation of reviews of web portals - Implementation and evaluation of Usability Tests for websites, Mobile and Touch devices - Production and analysis of qualitative and quantitative online surveys as part of user research studies - Report creation and customer presentations

  • 10 Monate, März 2010 - Dez. 2010

    Video Editor

    Straßenfeger Film- und FernsehproduktionsGmbH

    In this small film production company in Munich we were producing trailers and other formats for different companies like Turner and Unitymedia. My daily tasks included: - Edit preparation for trailer and other formats - Digital editing (video and audio) with Final Cut Pro - Subtitling of videos

  • 7 Monate, Sep. 2009 - März 2010

    Assistent in der Redaktion für Broadband Video

    maxdome GmbH & Co. KG

    Maxdome is one of the biggest 'online video library' in Germany, and for the time of six months I took care of the series section. - Editorial maintenance of the series area from - Gathering and processing of video material - Coordination of license windows in close cooperation with the program management team - Creating graphics - Training and skill transfer to colleagues

Ausbildung von Veronika Winter

  • 1 Jahr und 10 Monate, Aug. 2011 - Mai 2013

    IT Product Design

    Southern University of Denmark

    User Experience Design, User Centred Design, Complexity Management

  • 6 Monate, Aug. 2008 - Jan. 2009

    Media Design

    Letterkenny Institute of Technology

    Videoschnitt, Filmen, 3D Animation

  • 2 Jahre und 10 Monate, Sep. 2006 - Juni 2009


    Fachhochschule St.Pölten


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