Viktoria Antrey

Selbstständig, Communications Consultant & Author, Antrey communicative affairs & wine.placement

Abschluss: Master/Magister phil., University of Vienna

Poysdorf, Österreich

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

Solid network in wine business and to the Austrian
EU and OSCE level in theory and practice
Political network
Internal & external communications
Online PR
Social Media Marketing
Knowledge about political decision making processe


Berufserfahrung von Viktoria Antrey

  • Bis heute 4 Jahre und 11 Monate, seit Sep. 2019


    Modern Times Media

    Writing stories and articles, interviews and news updates for the Austrian officials magazine "GÖD aktuell".

  • Bis heute 5 Jahre, seit Aug. 2019


    RWA Raiffeisen Ware Austria AG

    Writing articles, stories, news and portraits for "Unser Land". Editorial support.

  • Bis heute 12 Jahre und 3 Monate, seit Mai 2012

    Communications Consultant & Author

    Antrey communicative affairs & wine.placement

    Mag. Viktoria Antrey ist diplomierte PR-Beraterin mit 12 Jahren Erfahrung als Chefredakteurin, Redakteurin und freie Autorin. Damit kennt sie beide Seiten der Pressearbeit und verbindet diese Perspektiven zu Ihrer erfolgreichen Produkt- und Unternehmenskommunikation. Als Journalistin und Texterin hat Viktoria Antrey zudem ein überzeugendes Talent für Story Telling.

  • 6 Jahre und 6 Monate, Jan. 2013 - Juni 2019



    Responsible for content and editorial plans; being manager for the external authors, photographers and designers, editing. Interviews, research and creating texts.

  • 1 Jahr und 7 Monate, März 2010 - Sep. 2011

    Marketing & Communications Manager

    Weingut R&A Pfaffl

    Marketing & Sales: responsible for the markets Benelux, Germany, Canada, Australia Development of a marketing strategy for a specific wine brand, implementing it on the web, graphic & layout, wording In General: update & further development of 3 websites (for each brand), wording, layouting, Event Management

  • 1 Jahr und 1 Monat, Feb. 2009 - Feb. 2010


    Verlag Rede & Antwort

    Editor & Online Editor

  • 10 Monate, Sep. 2008 - Juni 2009

    Project Manager

    Survey & Control

    Project Management for a market research project for the Austrian government: Development of a research hypothesis and the questionnaire, training and supervising of the field team, evaluation of the data collected and presentation of the recommended strategy derived.

  • 6 Monate, Sep. 2007 - Feb. 2008

    Junior Professional in OSCE Section

    EC RELEX: Delegation of the European Union to the international Organisations

    attending workshops and bodies in military & non military aspects of security co-operation (Forum on Security Co-Operation), the Permanent Council and the EU co-ordination meetings on these OSCE-bodies, compile regular briefings & reportings for the headquaters in Brussels. Within Delegation: developing a documentation system and a database on the most relevant decisions an documents on OSCE-EU level

Ausbildung von Viktoria Antrey

  • 4 Monate, Apr. 2012 - Juli 2012

    Public Relations

    WIFI Wien

    Change Communication, Crisis Communication, Media relations, Internal Communication, Online PR, Conceptualizing

  • 9 Monate, Feb. 2010 - Okt. 2010

    Austrian & International Wines & Spirits

    Weinakademie Österreich (WSET London)

    International wine world, international wine market

  • 5 Jahre und 5 Monate, Okt. 2002 - Feb. 2008

    Political Sciences

    University of Vienna

    Eastern European Research, Communication Systems and Sense/Meaning Systems, Forms of Power, Conflict Research and Conflict Management, European Law and European Integration, International Law, International Organisations, Human Rights, Mafiatic Structures, Trafficking in Human Beings


  • Englisch


  • Deutsch


  • Russisch


  • Französisch



dog training
horse riding
wine tastings

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