Vincent Fahrenholz
Bis 2021, Senior Backend Developer (Golang/PHP), idealo internet GmbH
Berlin, Germany
Professional experience for Vincent Fahrenholz
Current 3 years and 9 months, since Jan 2021
Team Lead / Software developer (Golang/PHP)
idealo internet GmbH7 years and 1 month, Dec 2012 - Dec 2019
Web-Developer (side job)
NUMOON - Network for cultural media
In my spare time, I developed small and not-so-small Joomla!-xtensions for clients of the cultural sector. Some of these clients also have servers that I administer.
Responsible for developing and maintaining a configuration website for our customers, as well as some internal tools for our fellow coworkers as part of an agile team. Responsible for designing the modular and API-driven architecture of our frontends new version as well as building an infrastructure around the software (CI/CD-pipelines, code-quality-checks, testing-suites). Main contact person for our OPs. Strong usage of PHP, Symfony3/Silex, JS, HTML/CSS, Python, Ansible, Bash, SQL and Git.
Developed a new version of the printer-suite Printgroove JT Suite (now AccurioPro). Usage of JS, Node.js, and XUL
11 months, Jan 2013 - Nov 2013
Further education time
PersonalTransfer GmbH
Passed LPIC1 and 2 in order to have a fullier understanding of computer sciences that goes beyond the sole aspect of programming.
10 months, Mar 2012 - Dec 2012
Software Engineer
FIZ Chemie
Developed an e-learning plattform for chemistry students named Chemgapedia. Usage of Java, Spring, XSLT, HTML and CSS. The company went bankrupt at the end of december 2012, but the plattform is still online, as it was sold to Wiley VCH.
6 months, Oct 2011 - Mar 2012
Software Engineer
Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft Berlin (ZAS Berlin)
Developed a database as well as a frontend for it for a linguistic research lab. Usage of the classical LAMP-Stack.
7 months, Feb 2010 - Aug 2010
Software Engineer
La Maison des Enseignants
Redesign of a tool allowing teachers to fill in a digital gradebook.
5 months, Mar 2009 - Jul 2009
Software Engineer
Collège Grésivaudan St Ismier
Design and development of a collection of tools easying the daily administrative business of a school.
Educational background for Vincent Fahrenholz
11 months, Oct 2010 - Aug 2011
Humboldt Universität Berlin
Theoretische Informatik, um Bachelor-Niveau zu haben. Da es innerhalb eines Förderprogramms war, durfte ich am Ende der 2 Semester keinen Abschluss machen.
3 years and 11 months, Sep 2006 - Jul 2010
Grenoble, IUT2
First language
First language