Vitaly Svyatyuk
Professional experience for Vitaly Svyatyuk
- Current 5 years and 9 months, since Jun 2019
Python Backend Developer
Appello Solutions
Create REST APIs with Python, Django and Flask.
Participation in different Python projects. My profile: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~0108e0f3365a893ce1 My GitHub profile: https://github.com/VitalySvyatyuk Technology stack: Python, Django, GIT, jQuery, PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Mocha, Unittest, Jenkins, Jira, Trello
- 9 months, Oct 2018 - Jun 2019
Python Developer
Maintain on 3 Django projects the same time. Add new features, fix bugs. Integrate external API's. Skills: Python, Django, PostgreSQL, Linux, SOAP, HTML and Web Development, MongoDB, React.js, Celery, Nginx
- 7 months, Mar 2018 - Sep 2018
Python Developer
Add new features and fix bugs in existent site. Technology stack: Python, Django, GIT, jQuery, PostgreSQL, HTML, SASS, Gulp, Trello, Sentry
- 4 months, Dec 2017 - Mar 2018
Python Developer
Add new features and fix bugs in existent CDN system. Technology stack: Python, Jinja2, GIT, Nginx, Varnish, Linux
- 7 months, Jun 2017 - Dec 2017
Python Developer
Grand Capital
Development and maintenance of the main company site www.arumcapital.eu Technology stack: Python, Django, GIT, jQuery, PostgreSQL, HTML, SASS, Jade, Trello, Sentry
- 4 months, Jun 2016 - Sep 2016
Python Developer
Kuban Center of Government Support
Development of a system for accepting applications from citizens for obtaining state financial support. Worked under the lead of the senior developer. Technology stack: Python, Django, GIT, jQuery, PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS
- 4 years, Jul 2012 - Jun 2016
Monitor Electric Jsc.
Working in Software Development company which produces software for Electro Energetic Companies. Duties: - Writing of technical documentation - Creating and updating of instructions and documents - Testing software (Visual Studio, C#) - Working with Microsoft SQL Database - Editing of main documentation template with HTML and CSS
- 5 years and 10 months, Aug 2006 - May 2012
System Administrator
Various Companies
In that time I worked at different companies at System administrator positions. My responsibilities included: - Installing and tuning of software - mostly on Windows - Installing computer hardware - Providing advice, guidance and expertise in hardware and software
Educational background for Vitaly Svyatyuk
- 5 years and 1 month, Aug 2001 - Aug 2006
Automated Systems of Information Processing and Control
Taganrog State Radio Engineering University
Programming in High-Level Languages, Programming Technologies, Artificial Intelligence Systems, System Analysis
First language
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