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Vladimir Aluferov

Angestellt, Consulting Analyst, Return on Intelligence
Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation



Professional experience for Vladimir Aluferov

  • Current 11 years and 10 months, since May 2013

    Business Analyst (contract position)

    Deutsche Bank AG

    My responsibility is to define requirements for the Asset Servicing platform change requests based on the business needs. The project methodology followed is Scrum and my goal is to define and enrich the product backlog items by providing clear and detailed requirements in the form of BRDs and white papers.

  • Current 11 years and 10 months, since May 2013

    Consulting Analyst

    Return on Intelligence

    I am responsible for analytical governance during presales and POCs preparation, team members coaching and tutoring, and process consulting.

  • 3 years and 2 months, Apr 2010 - May 2013

    Lead Functional Analyst / Product Owner

    Return on Intelligence

    As a lead analyst I was responsible for design of a next generation post-trade lifecycle platform and support of three projects within the Asset Servicing Change Program for a tier-one investment bank.

  • 1 year and 9 months, Sep 2010 - May 2012

    R&D Director

    Game|Changers Russia

    Game|Changers program launch and development. Established relationships with a number of organizations, built processes from scratch, worked closely with students and organisations on research and graduate works.

  • 1 year, May 2009 - Apr 2010

    Product Application Engineer

    EPAM Systems

    EGAIS is a product promoted by the Russian Tax Services which aim is to monitor production of wine and spirits within the Russian Federation. At this position I was helping Russian spirit factories to change their business processes to meet the new Russian Tax Services regulatory policies.

  • 1 year and 2 months, Mar 2008 - Apr 2009

    Research Analyst

    Center for Strategic Research North West Foundation

    This position allowed me to work in one of the two major Russian ‘think tanks’ where I was helping such clients as the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. I was responsible for market research and data analytics; managed some cartography and infographics activities as well.

  • 1 year and 6 months, Sep 2006 - Feb 2008

    Business Analyst

    Digital Design

    I was responsible for conducting a survey in 7 regional branches of Rostelecom to elicit differences between the OSS/BSS data model and telecommunication equipment being used in these regional branches.

  • 2 months, Jul 2006 - Aug 2006

    Telecommunications Engineer


    During the summer internship I was responsible for optical fiber soldering and related paperwork management in Building and Constructions Department in one of the key companies building telecommunication networks for major Telco operators in Russia.

Educational background for Vladimir Aluferov

  • 5 years and 9 months, Sep 2004 - May 2010


    Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications


  • English


  • Russian

    First language

  • German


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