Dr. Wolfgang Baumann-Renner
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Professional experience for Wolfgang Baumann-Renner
- Current 16 years and 1 month, since Jan 2009
Information Processes Consulting www.ipcb.at, www.intodata.at;
* Projektmanagement Fach+IT * Prozess-Integration, Umsetzungskonzeption * Service und Projekte zur Datenanalyse: www.intodata.at * Analysen, Bewertungen, Konzeptionen in den Geschäftsprozessen, speziell an der Schnittstelle zwischen Fachbereich und IT.
- 11 years, 1998 - Dec 2008
IT Management
Mondi AG
Various (projects) roles assigned other the years: - initiation of application helpdesk, - logistic related projects (warehouse process and communication standards, ...), - ERP integration projects and problem intervention in slovakia, south africa, russia outsourcing of ERP application and SAP landscape - program management role in SAP project - System architect - Demand Manager with internal customers - line functions (personal, costs) prior and during restructuring
- 1996 - 1998
Clinical Data Manager / Operations Manager
IMMUNO AG / Baxter Healthcare
Educational background for Wolfgang Baumann-Renner
- 1987 - 1996
Techn. Mathematik
Technische Universität Wien
Stabilitätstheorie von Differentialgleichungssystemen Diskrete Simulation
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