Yash Shinde
Professional experience for Yash Shinde
- 8 months, Dec 2022 - Jul 2023
Procurement Assistant
Superior steel detailing services
• Supported the company ’ s procurement team in key tasks such as vendor research, contract management, and cost analysis. • Demonstrated strong management skills in procurement and vendor coordination, ensuring seamless supply chain operations. • Assisted in negotiating with vendors to secure competitive pricing and favorable contract terms. • Developed and maintained vendor performance metrics to assess reliability, quality, and delivery
- 9 months, Jan 2022 - Sep 2022
Assistant Sales Manager
1. Implemented CRM tools to streamline customer management processes, improving efficiency by 25%. 2. Developed and maintained strong relationships with key clients, resulting in a 20% increase in repeat business over a year. 4. Trained and mentored sales representatives, enhancing their product knowledge and customer engagement skills. 5. Implemented CRM tools to streamline customer management processes, improving efficiency by 25%.
- 1 year and 1 month, Dec 2020 - Dec 2021
Assistant Operations Manager
Assisted in managing daily operations within the automobile parts industry, ensuring smooth coordination across production, supply chain, and quality assurance teams. • Supported inventory management by tracking stock levels and facilitating timely procurement of materials to meet production schedules. • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to analyze operational challenges and implement process improvements, enhancing overall efficiency.
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