Yitong Quan
Professional experience for Yitong Quan
Work by customer Innovation and Production Department, E&K Automation GmbH. - Construction of robotic models in the Gazebo Simulator, i.e. mobile robots with omnidirectional wheels - Development of algorithms for motion detection in image, in the scenarios of pallet loading and unloading - Development of algorithms for positioning for pallets and goods in 3D point cloud, from the forklift's perspective - language, library, camera: C++, python, PCL, OpenCV, CSAPEX, Intel D435i, SICK Visionary-T
Topic on 'Indoor Localization Using Ultra-Wideband Radio Signal'. Improve the performance of a distance measuring system, including the increases in sample rate and valid data obtained rate. Apply different algorithms to achieve accurate localization and evaluate their performances.
- 5 months, Apr 2016 - Aug 2016
Algorithm Developer
Syscop, IMTEK
Develop an Extended Kalman-Filter for the state estimate of an aerodynamic system
Educational background for Yitong Quan
- 4 years and 2 months, Apr 2014 - May 2018
Embedded Systems Engineering
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
- 3 years and 11 months, Sep 2009 - Jul 2013
South China Agricultural University
First language
Cantonese as mother tongue
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