rajan sah
Professional experience for rajan sah
- Current 1 year and 3 months, since Nov 2023Reifenhäuser GmbH & Co. KG Maschinenfabrik
Working Student
• Verwaltung und Entwicklung von 15+ interaktiven Dashboards, die wichtige Geschäftskennzahlen anzeigen, was zu einer Verbesserung der betrieblichen Effizienz um 15% und einer Reduzierung der Datenverarbeitungszeit um 25% führt und wichtige Einblicke zur Unterstützung in den Betriebs- und Fertigungsabteilungen liefert. • Automatisierte Produktionsabläufe, die den Personalbedarf reduzieren und menschliche Fehler reduzieren, was zu einer Kostensenkung von 20% und einer erheblichen Zeitersparnis führt.
- 5 months, Jun 2021 - Oct 2021
Financial Crime Operation Analyst
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
• Implemented Business transformation and loaded data into core history Datasets of loans,Credit Cards. • Strategically revamped the job notification process
• Experienced in working with large volumes of complex data, in distributed frameworks such as Spark and PySpark. • Contributed to Superstar project,a premium service to its privileged customers. • Visualized data using Tabelau and created dashboard for ticket sales.
- 4 years and 11 months, Jun 2016 - Apr 2021
Data Engineer
• Architected, constructed, and executed a robust, Scalable, and adaptable data engineering pipeline utilizing Scala and Spark as the SQL engine ,improved business performance and saved lot of memory resources and money. • Improved the performance of query by 60 % ,using various optimization techniques. • Demonstrated skills in Hadoop Eco system like YARN, Hive, Map Reduce. • Engineered data quality validation • Orchestrated a seamless migration of data from legacy databases to modern database environments.
Educational background for rajan sah
- Current 3 years and 4 months, since Oct 2021
Data Science
Universität Trier
Course:Linear algebra, Statistics, Numerical Optimization,Data Mining, NLP, Machine learning,Information Visualization, Big Data,Research case study, NLU
- 3 years and 10 months, Sep 2012 - Jun 2016
Computer Science and Engineering
M.S.Ramaiah Institute of Technology
Courses:Database,Java,Oops,operating System,C++,Data Structure, Algorithm, Object oriented modelling and design, Information Storage and Management,Artificial Intelligence.
First language
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