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CMTA AGhat einen Beitrag geschrieben3. August 2023
The world of #bond trading can often seem like a complex and fragmented jigsaw puzzle, a realm fraught with volatility and seemingly impenetrable for many. As a team steeped in years of trading experience, we have always believed that there had to be a better way. We wanted to make this market not only more accessible but also more #transparent and efficient. Our journey began with a simple question: How could we leverage the power of data to bring about real, meaningful change in the bond mark...
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CMTA AGhat einen Beitrag geschrieben31. Juli 2023
At CMTA, we firmly believe in the power of our #values to create a harmonious, productive, and positive work environment for our employees. Our guiding principles serve as the beacon, lighting our path and directing our actions. 💡 EFFICIENCY: We love making complicated things simple. We use the latest, cutting-edge #technology to make tough subjects easy to understand. 🧩 LOGIC: We make decisions based on what we learn. We make smart guesses to help our business grow. We always keep an eye o...
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CMTA AGhat einen Beitrag geschrieben27. Juli 2023
Streamlining Investment Decisions with CMTA's Precision Preselection Service At CMTA AG, we understand that the landscape of Fixed Income #Portfolio Management has evolved significantly over the past two decades. What used to be a decision-making process primarily based on yield, maturity, and rating has now become a complex task, requiring consideration of a multitude of additional criteria. This complexity inevitably leads to an increased time commitment. One of our key objectives at CMTA i...
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Bonds that match.

We offer modern solutions for the global bond market by combining smart technologies with teamwork and personal advice. We thus make it easier for you to find tailored services for a safe investment more quickly, make better decisions and minimize risks. Our services extend across the primary and secondary markets, as well es money market.

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