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diconium GmbH

Creating Digital Champions ???

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diconium GmbH
diconium GmbHhat einen Beitrag geschrieben18. November 2022
Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a single day in your life. Sounds a little bit cheesy, but it’s true for Parthiban Rajasekaran, Senior Software Test Architect/Manager at diconium. “When you start doing something, when it feels natural and you don’t get tired doing it for a long time, then you know that you made the right decision. I wake up every morning and I’m happy doing what I’m doing.” 🚀 Read more about Parthiban, his fascination for IT and his most important skill: ...

Meet Parthiban | Senior Software Test Architect/Manager

“When I was six or seven years old, my dad bought a very old computer. That’s where my curiosity began.”
Meet Parthiban | Senior Software Test Architect/Manager
diconium GmbH
diconium GmbHhat einen Beitrag geschrieben14. November 2022
70,000 techies attended the Web Summit in Lisbon. What a hustle and bustle! It's no surprise that the one or the other needed some time off. That's why we invited colleagues, talents, and friends to our cozy "Summit Unplugged" Tech-together. And what can we say, we had such a great time! Thanks so much to all those who celebrated the mindful side of tech with us, especially to our colleagues Julia Pelz, Marco Pinho and Luís Ribeiro, Julia Schneck, Jennifer Herner, Tanja Heid and Michael Mirwald,...
diconium GmbH
diconium GmbHhat einen Beitrag geschrieben20. Oktober 2022
Hey digital talents in Portugal, here's a treat for you! No matter if you are simply living in Lisbon or visiting the Web Summit: on November 3, our Tech-together in #Alfama will be damn yummy 😋 And you are invited! Come over and taste the 3 awesome flavors of our exclusively brewed Kombucha drinks: #HoppyHour, #ColdBrew & #WinterSpice. Of course, there is much more for you to discover at our event: 🧡 Meet people with the same mindset, 🧡 chitchat with our Portuguese diconium team, 🧡 join o...
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Creating Digital Champions

diconium ist Dienstleister für den gesamten Prozess der digitalen Transformation: von Innovation & Strategie über Data & KI bis hin zu Commerce und Technology Solutions. --- diconium is a service provider for the entire process of digital transformation: from innovation & strategy to data & AI to commerce and technology solutions.

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