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Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

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Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology
Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technologyhat einen Beitrag geschrieben6. Dezember 2018
How will we build and live tomorrow? How do we meet the challenges in personal health, our environment and the energy sector? We strive to find answers and develop materials and technologies to shape the future. Empa - The Place where Innovation Starts

Empa: Materials and Technologies to Shape the Future

How will we build and live tomorrow? With maximum energy efficiency. By using our resources in a sustainable way. In cities worth living in despite climate change. How do we improve our health and performance? With intelligent textiles and sensors. With tailor-made implants. With novel therapeutic concepts. How do we work and travel without fossil fuels? With climate-neutral energy sources. With flexible solar cells. With innovative energy storage systems. How do we prevent and reduce the pollution of our environment? By redesigning technical processes. By analyzing the spread of pollutants. By investigating and minimizing noise. How do we keep ourselves fit for the future? With materials for the electronics of tomorrow. Thanks to surfaces with astonishing properties. Through smart technologies that ease our lives. Empa - The Place where Innovation Starts
Empa: Materials and Technologies to Shape the Future

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Überlandstrasse 129, 8600 Dübendorf, Schweiz