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PRofiFLITZER GmbHposted an update20 February
FLZR start of the year 2024🚀 We started the new year full of energy and zest for action! 🎉 Our annual kick-off event was a complete success and strengthened our sense of community enormously! 💪 😍 Together, we celebrated successes, overcame challenges and learnt valuable lessons from 2023. The highly motivated faces showed that we want to tackle our goals for 2024 with full energy. The highlight? Our brand new FLZR sweat jackets, proudly worn by every member of the back office team. Teamw...
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PRofiFLITZER GmbHposted an update5 February
Today marks the start of a new chapter for us: Profiflitzer is now FLZR! 🌍 This change is more than just a new name; it's about preserving the essence of our origins while taking a bold step into a more international arena. Our mission? To empower our customers to succeed in all EU markets. In a strategic move to establish a global presence, FLZR has undergone a comprehensive rebranding, aligning our services to gaming, consumer electronics and technology clients worldwide. Our goal? To be ...
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PRofiFLITZER GmbHposted an update3 January
Das PRofiFLITZER Team wünscht Euch und Euren Liebsten ein glückliches und gesundes neues Jahr! Wir freuen uns auf spannende Projekte und auf eine weiterhin so gute und erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit im Jahr 2024.
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