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Steelwind Nordenham GmbH

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Steelwind Nordenham GmbH
Steelwind Nordenham GmbHhat einen Beitrag geschriebenVor 2 Tagen
Today we are celebrating the completion of the last He Dreiht Monopile! Almost 84,000 tons of steel later, the Monopile production for the #EnBW wind farm is coming to an end. With diameters of 9.2 meters, lengths of up to 71 meters and weights of up to 1,400 tons: Steelwind has produced 64 Monopiles for the He Dreiht Offshore Wind Farm. This Wind Farm will be connected to the grid from the end of 2025 and will provide green electricity to support the production of green steel at our parent comp...
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Steelwind Nordenham GmbH
Steelwind Nordenham GmbHhat einen Beitrag geschrieben17. April
We had the pleasure of welcoming the EnBW project team at our facility in Nordenham. Steelwind is currently manufacturing the Monopiles for the EnBW He Dreiht Offshore Windfarm, which will provide green electricity once completed and will contribute to the transformation of Dillinger and Saarstahl towards lower emission "green steel". The team received a guided tour and an insider's view of our production facilities, gaining firsthand knowledge of our processes. The Steelwind team is very please...
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Steelwind Nordenham GmbH
Steelwind Nordenham GmbHhat einen Beitrag geschrieben15. April
We are thrilled to announce that we have successfully completed the final load-out of the project Revolution. Notably, the monopiles, towering at 120 meters in length and weighing over 2000 tons each, stand as impressive testaments to our collective efforts. This milestone marks a significant achievement for Steelwind, as these are the longest monopiles ever manufactured in Nordenham. As we reflect on the journey thus far, we are grateful for the dedication and hard work of everyone involved. P...
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Blexer Reede 2, 26954 Nordenham, Deutschland