Abhishek Kumar
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Professional experience for Abhishek Kumar
- Current 3 years and 2 months, since Jan 2022
Azure Cloud Engineer
IBM India Pvt Ltd
Working as a Azure cloud Engineer
Administration, Design, Development, Configuration, and Implementation with Salesforce.com platform. Developed Visual Force Pages and Controllers, Apex Classes, Apex Triggers to customize application according to the functional needs. Created and managed custom objects, fields, formulas, validations rules, custom workflows , and approval process Created page layouts, custom links, related lists and other components on a record detail and edit pages Deployment by using change sets and ANT tool.
- 2 years, Nov 2017 - Oct 2019
DevOps Engineer
Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd
Installation and Configuration of WebLogic in clustered Environment. Excellent working knowledge of Operation and Production Support with large mission critical system in multiple technologies. Experience in upgrading Oracle utilities products from previous older version Create, Improvise and maintain Jenkins pipelines for continuous integration and releases. Experience in upgradation of Weblogic Server and updating JDK versions, applying patches and service packs for Weblogic server.
- 7 months, Dec 2016 - Jun 2017
Weblogic Admin
Infinite computer solution
Involved in Monitoring all the WebLogic resources like Admin and Managed Servers, Clusters, Machines, Nodemanager and JMS components Installation of Apache web server and making connectivity with Application server. Provided support on call schedule for Production support. Deployment of JAR, WAR and EAR Applications on various targeted clustered environments.
- 1 year and 2 months, Oct 2015 - Nov 2016
Oracle Consultant
K21 Technology
Worked as a WebLogic Administrator Installation and Configuration of SOA Implemented the shell scripts and WLST scripts to automate the environments and analyzing log files Investigating on the issues and fixing them. In case of Runtime issue, gathering runtime files like Thread dumps, Heap dumps and Core dumps then analyze them and finding the root cause analysis. Provided Support in 24/7 production environment
Educational background for Abhishek Kumar
- 3 years and 10 months, Aug 2011 - May 2015
Computer Science
Biju Patnaik University of Technology
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