Aysel Jafarova
Professional experience for Aysel Jafarova
- Current 8 months, since Jul 2024
Data Scientist-engineer
Banex Consulting AG
Collaborated on insurance claims data and renewable energy projects. Constructed scalable machine learning systems, deep learning, and Generative AI applications. Pre-processed structured/unstructured data by collaborating on model implementation and monitoring. Conducted data gathering, wrangling, and feature engineering. Developed/deployed interactive web apps with Dash, Streamlit, and Plotly. Streamlined deployment with Docker for scalability and maintainability.
- 3 years and 3 months, Nov 2019 - Jan 2023Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing Munich
Research Associate
• Data acquisition, analysis, data visualisation and presentation of the results in internal/external meetings • Attending to conferences and regular meeting with customers from external biopharmaceutical companies. • Training of new colleagues and technical assistants • Preparation of SOP's for laboratory usage • Cell biological and molecular biological analysis of immune cells
Immunology, T cell sorting from human blood and culturing, Lentiviral transduction and gene modification through Crispr Cas9 system, phenotyping and routine flow cytometric analysis of T cell behaviour ( and gene integration and expression, effector memory phenotype, activation status , etc)
- 2 years and 6 months, Oct 2010 - Mar 2013
Clinical Research Assistant
Defense Threat reduction Agency (DTRA)
•Training doctors to recognize and diagnose various infectious diseases •Coordination and organization of CBEP (Cooperative Biological Engagement Program) procedures and activities at participating institutions •Providing and translating CBEP training plans and developing new training materials •Practical support in CBEP research projects (development and implementation) •Project communication and documentation
Educational background for Aysel Jafarova
- 3 months, Nov 2022 - Jan 2023
Data Scientist, Machine Learning, Deep Learning
Datascientest | Sorbonne University
- 1 year, Feb 2017 - Jan 2018
LMU München
Doktorarbeit im Bereich Immunologie/Atherosklerose Studienschwerpunkte waren analysierung von immunezellen und die Rolle des Chemokinrezeptors CXCR7 bei Entzündungen in Atherosklerose. Praktizierte Thechnike: in vitro Zellkultur, Tierversuch, Immunohistochemistrie, Durchflusszitometrie
- 1 year and 9 months, May 2013 - Jan 2015
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Masterarbeit im Bereich Neurobiologie, Multiple Sklerose. Studienschwerpunkt war die analysierung von Expressionskinetik regulatorischer Proteine, die die von Mäusen abgeleitete Reifung von Oligodendroglialvorläuferzellen beeinflussen
- 4 years and 9 months, Sep 2005 - May 2010
Molecular Biologie und Genetik
Boğaziçi University
Project Titel: Serienanalyse der Genexpression (SAGE) zur Untersuchung der Wnt- Pathway-Störungen in der Hepatokarzinom-Zelllinie Techniken: Agarose gel electrophorese, Klonierung, PCR
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