Professional experience for BIJIN MUTHIYACKAL ABRAHAM
- Current 1 year and 11 months, since Apr 2023
System Engineer
- 8 months, Aug 2022 - Mar 2023
Master Thesis
Daimler AG / Mercedes-Benz AG
Developed a Machine Learning Model to predict events in synthetic location and solve the routing problem to maximize the endurance data collection in automotive industry. Developed a ML model to predict the targeted event location. Optimizing the test route of vehicle to cover the location and maximize the data collection. Testing the model Python, OpenSearch API, keras, TensorFlow, pandas, OSRM routing machine, Docke
- 7 months, Oct 2021 - Apr 2022
Intern Software Developer
Daimler AG / Mercedes-Benz AG
Configuration and collection of data and managing it using Python and in AUTOSAR standards. Configuration of device using python to send information via Ethernet. Development of the arxml file for the decoding of the Frame Configuring the Data logger for the decoding of the Data frame Python, XML coding, CANoe, AUTOSAR Explorer, C, Wire-shark, IPE Motion, Ethernet protocol
Internship to investigate the effect of distribution on reliability of machine learning (ML) systems. i.e. instead of having one system which provides the whole functionality we intend to divide functionality into smallersystems. If one of these systems goes down, at least the other systems will provide some fraction of the intended functionality. We research on methods/techniques to map functionality to ML systems. Developed custom models using Tensorflow detection models(TensorFlow, Keras python, OpenCV)
- 1 year and 9 months, Nov 2017 - Jul 2019
Software Engineer
Huawei Technologies
Software development for cross-platform application and UI of Huawei Dongle and Modem. Requirement analysis, Design, Development, and Review. Analysis and proposing solutions for new features and customer reported issues. Resolving internal defects during system testing.
Educational background for BIJIN MUTHIYACKAL ABRAHAM
- 3 years and 1 month, Apr 2020 - Apr 2023
Automotive Software Engineering
Chemnitz University of Technology
- 4 years, Jul 2013 - Jun 2017
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Cochin University of Science and Technology
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