Carolina Villamil
Professional experience for Carolina Villamil
- Current 10 years and 10 months, since May 2014
Digital Marketing Manager
ADvendio is a leading advertising business solution powered by Salesforce. We help publishers & sales houses to make the most of their inventory by increasing efficiency in premium ad sales. The SaaS solution enables media companies to manage their complete advertising business process end-to-end within one application: from CRM & sales, order management & reporting to billing & accounting leading to a perfect interplay of sales, ad ops and finance.
- Current 10 years and 10 months, since May 2014
Digital Marketing Consultant
B2 Performance
B2 Performance was founded in 2006 by Andreas Berth and Lars Biewald. Since then the company regards itself as a full service provider for online marketing. Besides all disciplines in the field of online marketing, our widely positioned team also offers expertise in the areas of strategic consulting and data analysis.
- 1 year and 8 months, May 2012 - Dec 2013
Digital Marketing
Bacardi España
- 2 years and 3 months, Jan 2010 - Mar 2012
LPG Técnicas en Extinción contra Incendios
Educational background for Carolina Villamil
- 1 year and 3 months, Jan 2012 - Mar 2013
Master in Marketing Management
EAE Business School
- 4 years and 7 months, Jan 2006 - Jul 2010
Grado Superior en Artes Plásticas y Diseño
Escola Muncipal d'Art
First language
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