Franziskus Heblich
Professional experience for Franziskus Heblich
- Current 6 years and 1 month, since Feb 2019
Java Developer
United Nations Office of Information and Communications Technology in Bangkok
Java-Web Developer (Angular 2+ (node.js), Springboot, Elastic search, Hibernate, MariaDB in MS Azure Cloud dot-Net Developer (ASP.net with DNN (DotNetNuke), MSSQL and multiple JQuery frameworks) Unity (Managing and developing VR trainings applications Unity 2019)
- 3 years and 2 months, Dec 2015 - Jan 2019
Game Producer
RingZero Game Studio
Managing, designing and leading multiple internal and external projects. For example: - Story books for Kids, published by ImaginMe Pte. Ltd. (C# in Unity 2017 and PHP (Laravel) in AWS) - Tesco Lotus Shopping Spree, published by Game Space (C# in Unity 5 and PHP (Laravel) in AWS) - Other projects (C# in Unity 2018, Java (Springboot, Smartfox, Spark), AngularJS (node.js), Hadoop and Kubernetes in AWS)
- 1 year and 10 months, Mar 2014 - Dec 2015
Game Programmer
Developing and implementing a new innovative pick-pocketing system in Unity 5
- 4 months, Oct 2013 - Jan 2014
Game Programmer
Novaleaf Game Studios in Bangkok
Implemented a 3D Editor for Tablet and PC in a Lean process. - Developed 3D and 2D UI. - Designed public Plug-in API - Developed and implemented example projects. - Short guides created.
- 1 year and 1 month, Oct 2012 - Oct 2013
Game Programmer
Project: Game Based Training for Disaster and Emergency Scenarios (TRACY) Occupation: - Development for multiple input methods - Multiple third person cameras - Setting and control of Unity 4 animation system (Matinee).
- 4 years and 6 months, May 2008 - Oct 2012
Dipl.-Inf. (FH) Jan-Anton Dérer, M. Sc
Trainer for multiple companies at Berlin, Brandenburg and Hamburg. He provided adult and youth education in: - HTML 4, Java-Script, JQuery, RDBMS, UML, OOA, OOD, Design Patterns - Oracle Certified Professional 6 - Java EE 5 Business Component Developer - Java EE 5 Web Component Developer He was also responsible for implementing trainer operation and accounting systems.
Educational background for Franziskus Heblich
- 3 years and 7 months, Apr 2012 - Oct 2015
International Media and Computing
The core of International Media and Computing focus on media applications. It contains - Development of complex software solutions for media applications - Business Knowledge - Soft Skills - Intercultural Communication - Human-machine Interaction - International Media Economics
First language
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