Hussnain Ghani
Professional experience for Hussnain Ghani
- Current 4 years and 11 months, since Apr 2020
Lead Software Developer JS
Nearpeer.org is EdTech Platform Developed in microservices architecture using Javascript NodeJs, VueJs, MongoDB, PostgreSQL and React Native for mobile application. I'm working as a lead in nearpeer tech team so i get chance to manage all the tech team including full stack developers, mobile app developers, SQA Engineers and also devops.
- 1 year, Aug 2019 - Jul 2020
Software Engineer
Gigalabs (PVT) Limited
My role was fullstack software engineer. i was managing all the development and also deployments on AWS EC2. for staging and production environment.
- 1 year and 1 month, Aug 2018 - Aug 2019
Software Engineer
My role was full stack developer.
Educational background for Hussnain Ghani
- 2014 - 2018
Bachelor of Science: Software Engineering
University of Lahore
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