Ian Murray
Professional experience for Ian Murray
- Current 15 years and 2 months, since 2010
Director of Engineering
Intellectual Ventures Laboratory
I lead an interdisciplinary organization to invent solutions to complex Global Health & Development challenges. Areas of focus include medical devices, disease diagnostics & interventions, and agricultural & food science. I manage ~ 50 scientists and engineers with disciplines including physics, biology, chemistry, fluid mechanics, mechanical, electrical, & software engineering. I have created and implemented processes for project management, product development, and risk management.
- 2004 - 2010
Department Manager & Lead Technical Program Manager
Blue Origin
Managed an engineering department and led several large projects for a private Aerospace start-up company, founded by Jeff Bezos, developing rocket vehicles to provide commercial access to space. Principal responsibilities included personnel supervision and project management including cost, schedule, and technical oversight.
- 2000 - 2004
Senior Technical Program Manager
Aerojet Rocketdyne
Managed the development of rocket engines and components under NASA, US Air Force, and DoD contracts. Programs included Integrated Powerhead Development (IPD), Advanced Re-usable Rocket Engine (ARRE), and Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle (EKV). Responsibilities included cost, schedule, and technical oversight. Led the invention of the tri-fluid injector used in the ARRE program.
- 1999 - 2000
Program Manager
Beal Aerospace
Managed the development of rocket engines and components for a private Aerospace start-up company. Responsibilities included cost, schedule, and technical oversight. Tested the largest liquid rocket engine since the Apollo program.
- 1996 - 1999
Project Engineer
Northrop Grumman (formerly TRW)
Developed spacecraft thrusters for the Chandra X-Ray Observatory and a cryogenic vacuum test facility to research electric propulsion concepts, including Hall effect thrusters.
- 1994 - 1996
Research Assistant
Purdue University
Wrote code to computationally simulate a droplet’s resonance to an acoustic stimulus using FORTRAN and MATLAB. Conducted experimental research into hybrid rocket engines.
Educational background for Ian Murray
- 2013 - 2013
Design & Innovation
Stanford University
Innovation Master Series: Design Thinking and the Art of Innovation
- 2 years, Sep 1994 - Aug 1996
Aerospace Engineering
Purdue University
Jet & Rocket Propulsion, Structures, Controls, Computational Modeling, Software Development, Test Engineering, FORTRAN, PASCAL, MATLAB
- 3 years and 9 months, Sep 1990 - May 1994
Aerospace Engineering
Purdue University
First language
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