Jef Kalil
Professional experience for Jef Kalil
I help construction project owners and clients adopt Dalux contech solutions, ensuring seamless digital transformation and optimizing project efficiency. How I Help: - Enable project owners to streamline workflows with BIM and digital tools - Guide smooth implementation and adoption of Dalux solutions - Support data-driven decision-making and lifecycle management - Build strong client relationships and ensure long-term success - Keep clients ahead with industry trends and best practices
Senior Product Manager Global Education • Leads global strategy and development for content portal, learning solution, and engagement programs. • Builds and develops high-performing cross-functional teams, nurturing talent and fostering their growth. • Defines and drives the product vision and strategy, aligning it with business objectives and inspiring the organization. • Executes product ideas from concept to market, leveraging stakeholder management skills to instill a strong product culture.
- 3 years and 1 month, Jul 2017 - Jul 2020
Product Manager EMEA/LAAP Engagement Products
Elsevier GmbH
Inspired cross-functional teams of over 20 individuals in the delivery and implementation of new product solutions and support services. Consistently met business requirements while exceeding customer expectations. Led the platform growth, reaching 50,000 monthly active users within a year of launch. Effectively utilized data analytics, in-depth analysis, and monetization strategies to oversee the user transition, resulting in cost savings and the integration of valuable data into the technology stack.
- 1 year and 10 months, Oct 2015 - Jul 2017
Senior Product Manager, Strategic Products EMEALA
Elsevier GmbH
Successfully guided and empowered cross-functional teams of more than 10 professionals in delivering and implementing innovative product solutions and support services. Led mobile applications scaling globally, expanding to 16 apps across 8 countries, which enhanced market presence and reach. Significant contributor to the growth of the program, fostering user engagement, loyalty, and revenue growth for the subscription business, resulting in a user base of 0.5 million registered users.
- 1 year and 9 months, Jan 2014 - Sep 2015
Product Manager Institutional Products, Migration and Transition,
Elsevier GmbH
Led successful migration and consolidation of institutional products. Through effective collaboration with cross-functional teams. Achieved cost savings and streamlined operations, contributing to the growth of 7,000 monthly active users.
- 1 year and 8 months, Jul 2013 - Feb 2015
Product Manager Mobile Applications
Elsevier GmbH
Mobile / App Product Manager
- 9 months, Nov 2012 - Jul 2013
Social Media Marketing Manager
- 5 months, Jul 2012 - Nov 2012
Head of Social Media Marketing
Westwing Home and Living
- 2009 - 2012
Online/Digital Marketing Manager
- From Nov 2025
Strategic Consultant, Digital Products & Projects
Consults businesses on digital transformation, SaaS product development, and digital marketing. Leads data-driven strategies to enhance collaboration, reduce costs, and scale digital innovation for user growth and engagement.
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