John Grantham
Professional experience for John Grantham
- Current 10 years and 3 months, since Dec 2014
Art Director
Katholisches Bistum der Alt-Katholiken in Deutschland
I do the design and layout of the monthly church news magazine «Christen heute» for the German Old Catholic diocese (Katholisches Bistum der Alt-Katholiken in Deutschland). I did the redesign of the magazine in 2014 based on the corporate identity for the diocese that I also designed in 2010, and execute that design once a month for the magazine, which has a circulation of about 3,000.
- Current 15 years and 6 months, since Sep 2009
Mitglied des Öffentlichkeitsreferats, Designer
Katholisches Bistum der Alt-Katholiken in Deutschland
Manage German-language online community for Quora.com and produce content
- 5 years, Jan 2015 - Dec 2019
Independent English instructor, English for Scientists
ATB - Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik und Bioökonomie
Taught an English course for up to 15 doctorate candidates at the Leibniz Institute (ATB), Potsdam, focusing on scientific writing in English using style guides and advanced grammar. I also proofread and helped improve their doctoral work. Every single participant in my classes was able to get their work published and earn their doctorate.
- 7 years and 6 months, Jul 2012 - Dec 2019
Disability pensioner
Disability pension
On full disability 2012-2019, 50% since Jan 2020
- 7 years and 3 months, Jun 2007 - Aug 2014
Moderator/owner of group for ex-pats and English speakers in the Hannover region, with a mailing list, monthly regular meetings, bimonthly children's group, and informal tea-times
- 12 years and 7 months, Aug 1999 - Feb 2012
Xanity Design
Self-employed individual working through a network
- 6 months, Jun 2011 - Nov 2011
Director of Production / Leiter Herstellung
Vincentz Network
- 10 years and 10 months, Sep 2000 - Jun 2011
Web Designer, Graphic Designer
carhs GmbH
- 5 years and 2 months, Jul 2005 - Aug 2010
Vestry member, diocesan delegate / Kirchenvorstandsmitglied, Synodalabgeordneter
Katholische Pfarrgemeinde der Alt-Katholiken Hannover-Niedersachsen
Additionally lay reader, cantor, webmaster, producer of parish bulletins Zusätzliche Dienste als Lektor, Kantor, Webmaster, Redaktion der Gemeindebriefe
- 4 years and 10 months, Sep 2004 - Jun 2009
Web-Designer, Grafiker
- 7 years and 11 months, Mar 2001 - Jan 2009
Freelance UI and Web Designer
Nokia Qt (formerly Trolltech ASA)
Provide graphics and Web coding for company website; designed GUI and icons for Qt Designer, Qt Linguist, Qt Assistant, and the Qtopia embedded operating system.
- 1 year and 4 months, May 1998 - Aug 1999
Online Art Director
Dievision Medienberatung
- 5 months, Nov 1997 - Mar 1998
Online Art Director
Educational background for John Grantham
- 3 years and 10 months, Sep 1993 - Jun 1997
Graphic Design
FH Hildesheim
Website design, typography, corporate identity
- 11 months, Aug 1992 - Jun 1993
Graphic Design
University of Wisconsin-Stout
- 1 year and 11 months, Aug 1990 - Jun 1992
Art/Graphic Design
North Hennepin Community College
Typography, illustration, desktop publishing
First language
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