Muhammad Ali
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Professional experience for Muhammad Ali
- Current 12 years and 9 months, since Jun 2012
Manager GIS / Geospatial Applications
1. Prepare project proposals and submit to get funding opportunities at national and international forums i.e, GoP, APSCO, UNICEF, etc. 2. Involve in requirement analysis, system design, development, deployment, UAT, support of customized geospatial solutions to clients requirements 3. Capacity building of national & international scientists/ engineers and other professionals from various public and private sector agencies in various applications of satellite remote sensing and geographic information system
- Current 12 years and 9 months, since Jun 2012
GIS Developer
Government of Pakistan
- 9 years and 9 months, Jun 2012 - Feb 2022
GIS Developer
Government of Pakistan
- 4 years, Nov 2014 - Oct 2018
Sr. GIS Developer
Royal Commission of Yanbu / AHCEC
1. Meetings with clients to understand their business activities, workflows, and needs. Deliver cost-effective GIS-based solutions. 2. Involved in analysis, system design, development, and deployment of Enterprise GIS and mobile applications solutions (Android & IOS) 3. Manage a team of developers and coordinate with the Designer/ UX team. 4. Provision of backups and disaster plans for geospatial solutions 5. Delivered product demo, presentation, and apply promotion techniques
- 9 months, Nov 2010 - Jul 2011
Software Engineer
Systems Limited
a) Communication with immediate supervisor with in the project, involved in direct communication with client b) Provision of assistance to Project Manager on team and organization-wide initiatives c) Interaction with Project Manager, Team Leads, System and Database Architects to develop and implement technical solutions d) Interaction with Business Analyst in definition of business case and project scope e) Development of internal and external design specifications
- 5 months, Jun 2010 - Oct 2010
Jr. Software Engineer
LNT technology
a) Involved in Business Requirement Analysis b) Solution designing and implementation according to business requirements c) Product delivery with client satisfaction via User Acceptance Test (UAT) d) Technical proposal, demos, presentations and bug fixing
- 5 months, Jan 2010 - May 2010
Software Engineer
Softech Worldwide LLC
a) Involved in Business Requirement Analysis b) Designing and implementation of technical solutions c) Technical error-fixing support d) Exploration of tools and technologies and their comparative analysis for solution implementation
Educational background for Muhammad Ali
- 4 years, Jan 2006 - Dec 2009
Computer Systems Engineering
Mehran University of Engineering and Technology
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