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Professional experience for NEHA GUPTA
Design Lead resp. to develop & design visual designs, user flows, wireframes, prototypes, UIs, collaterals, videos, brand design, media design, & business ppts. Manage end-to-end projects from problem definition to crafting high fidelity mock-ups, while collaborating with dev team & product owners in fast-paced Agile team. Ensure a good workflow within the team, manage daily business, work closely to constantly evolve the product & user experience along with company’s creative assets & service offerings.
- 3 years and 7 months, Oct 2017 - Apr 2021
UX/UI Graphic Design Specialist
Metlife GOSC
Conducted user testing and analysis to optimize insurance app forms, streamlining the process for both policyholders and the internal team. This effort decreased form abandonment rates by 30%, leading to improved conversion rates & increased user engagement. Developed intuitive UIs for products, ensuring seamless navigation & accessibility for users dealing with critical financial info. This resulted in a 25% reduction in error rates, decreasing the need for on-call assistance & enhancing user satisfaction.
- 3 years and 4 months, Jun 2014 - Sep 2017
Design Manager
Karmic Events India
Worked as a Design Lead for Karmic Events, an events advertising & marketing company. My role involved conceptualising designs for large corporate and business events, brand identity, logo, collaterals, company's marketing & advertising strategies & provide instructions to our in-house production team. Thoroughly worked on UIs for Web/ mobile apps and designed social media campaigns. Have managed and worked with cross-skilled teams, managed client/ stakeholder meetings and business development activities.
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