Norbert Kehl
Professional experience for Norbert Kehl
- Current 14 years and 9 months, since May 2010
Senior Consultant
International Marketing & Tourism
International Consulting for Marketing and Communication, Business Development, Organisational Development, Regional Development, and Tourism projects: "ecotourism in the HOB area" GIZ/FORCLIME assignment for advising Indonesian districts in the Heart of Borneo area to develop ecotourism "engaged tourism" - ongoing social business project for longterm visitors in North Sumatra
- 5 years, May 2005 - Apr 2010
Senior Advisor of Executive Director
Central Java Provincial Ministry for Tourism
Integrated Expert (CIM), the task includes three areas – organizational development, international marketing, network cooperation. Target is to professionalize the ministry, to establish international marketing tools, and to improve the cooperation with the private industry and other tourism stakeholders.
- 3 years and 1 month, Apr 2002 - Apr 2005
International Marketing, Communication & Business Development Services
Clients: London School of Public Relations, Jakarta; P.T. Agricinal (Palm Oil Export); TWA Communications (German marketing agency); Automotive Component Industry; Olé Youth Soccer Project; Bayern Munich; RCTI –Indonesian TV sender
- 9 months, Jul 2003 - Mar 2004
Gtz-RED Project, in Klaten/Central Java
Assignment to prepare and conduct a baseline study for the Solo Raya region in Central Java, Indonesia. The task involved desktop and primary research in the region, the conceptualization of its results and the reporting
- 2 years and 4 months, Dec 1999 - Mar 2002
Member of the Top Management Team
Ahrens & Behrent Agentur für Kommunikation, Frankfurt / Munich
Setting up and developing the Munich branch as an IT competence center; merging with its business partner in Munich, the IT- specialist PR agency Editor Consulting Activities: market research and marketing communication, sales, PR- consulting and PR-services, personal recruitment, -training and management.
- 6 months, Jul 1999 - Dec 1999
Business Development Manager
Edelman Public Relations Worldwide / Germany
Tasks: project to introduce and develop a corporate communications department in Edelman Hamburg, the second German office, which at that time offered only consumer communications only Activities: market research and marketing communication, sales, PR- consulting and PR-services, personal recruitment, -training and management.
- 1 year and 3 months, Apr 1998 - Jun 1999
Business Development Manager
BTB Bekleidungstechnik, Bulgaria, Russe
Tasks: general management of an apparel agency in South Bulgaria, especially marketing and organizational development. Activities: marketing and sales planning, financial planning and controlling, marketing communication, acquisition of German clients, developing the management.
- 1 year and 3 months, Jan 1997 - Mar 1998
Business Development Manager
PT. Teka Buana Indonesia, Jakarta
Tasks: developing and managing a successful marketing and sales organization for TEKA products (kitchen technology). Activities: marketing and sales planning, financial planning and controlling, developing complete tools for marketing communication, creating a showroom, sales management, sales negotiations with key accounts, setting up office organization, setting up a logistic and warehouse structure, personal recruitment, -training and –management, price calculation, bookkeeping.
- 2 years, Sep 1994 - Aug 1996
General manager (Geschäftsführer)
Software 2000 consult GmbH, Leipzig, Germany
Activities: development of a marketing and sales organization. Sales management and marketing communication for business software.
- 3 years and 8 months, Jan 1991 - Aug 1994
Senior consultant
INWAMA Project, Jakarta / Indonesia
Conducted by the Social Science Research Centre (SFZ) of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. Type of Project: Consultancy-based action research. Objectives: gaining knowledge about particular problems and potentials of organizational management with regard to Indonesia and to emerging East Asian economies. Generating conceptual and procedural know- how for improving performance standards of organizations.
- 3 years and 3 months, Oct 1987 - Dec 1990
PR consultant
Leipziger & Partner GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany
Positions: Assistant, Junior Consultant, Senior-Consultant, Team Leader Areas of activities: communication strategy, action planning, implementation; press releases, marketing communication, advertising Clients: City of Frankfurt, Frankfurt Airport, German Wings (Airliner), Intel, VKU, among others
Educational background for Norbert Kehl
Social Sciences
LMU Munich
Consumer Sociology
First language
Bahasa Indonesia fluent
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