Qais AbuRayyan
Professional experience for Qais AbuRayyan
- Current 3 years and 9 months, since Jun 2021
Software Engineer
DRK-Blutspendedienst Baden-Württemberg | Hessen gemeinnützige GmbH
Angular, Golang, PostgreSQL, Docker, K8s, MS Azure
- Current 6 years, since Mar 2019
Full-Stack Web Developer
Dagocar Automotive Services GmbH
My role as Full-Stack Web Developer in a project for the Client is to analyze the user requirement and business workflow in order to implement the appropriate web services and forms to serve the system in an optimized flow.
- 1 year and 5 months, Apr 2017 - Aug 2018
Software Developer
Exceed IT Services
My role as a .Net / Front-End Web Developer in a project for the Client is to analyze the user requirement and implement the appropriate web services and forms to serve the system in an optimized flow. The purpose of our smart system is to automate the client’s service into a mobile form using responsive layout and web services.
- 2 years and 4 months, Jan 2015 - Apr 2017
.NET Developer
Stroika Software
- 1 year and 4 months, Oct 2013 - Jan 2015
ASP .Net Developer
Eskadenia Software
My main responsibilities were maintaining and expanding the existing development activities and developing software from documented requirements.
- 1 year and 7 months, Apr 2012 - Oct 2013
Web Developer
My main Responsibilities are: Building web applications using several technologies as the business requirements needs, such as web forms and MVC (using C#). During my work there I have learned and developed applications for Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8. Also, I had a chance to publish my code to live servers and become familiar with IIS, FTP, hosting and domains.
- 3 months, Feb 2012 - Apr 2012
Software Quality Analyst
Aspire Services
My main Responsibilities were doing several types of testing, writing scenarios and logging defects to assure that the product meets the client’s requirements.
Educational background for Qais AbuRayyan
- Current 6 years and 5 months, since Oct 2018
Masters of International Software Systems Science
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Distributed and Mobile Systems
- 4 years and 1 month, Jan 2008 - Jan 2012
Software Engineering
Al Balqa' Applied University
First language
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