Raphael Iltisberger
Professional experience for Raphael Iltisberger
As member of the PAWLIK Group, we are enabling our clients to achieve business growth and transformation in Asia. My role is to help clients solve their leadership-related challenges in China and beyond.
- Current 6 years and 3 months, since Dec 2018
Leadership Consultant
IoT One
Helping leaders to understand emerging threats and opportunities in the digital age and build innovation ecosystems in China and globally.
- 1 year and 4 months, Aug 2017 - Nov 2018
Business Development Manager
FLX Bike
FLX Bike is a Shanghai- and San Diego-based startup dedicated to building the world's best E-Bike. As Business Development Manager I was responsible for forming partnerships and new market development. Additionally, I was responsible for organizational development in FLXs Shanghai office.
In my role as working student I was responsible for supporting senior management on various projects regarding Digital Transformation. Among those were research projects, support at events, and preparation of reports for clients. I was also tasked with preparing and conducting an employee training.
Educational background for Raphael Iltisberger
- 10 months, Sep 2016 - Jun 2017
Chinese language
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- 3 years and 6 months, Mar 2013 - Aug 2016
Business, Occupational, and Organisational Psychology
University of Applied Sciences Fresenius
Majored in organizational development and international management.
First language
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