Shashank Basavapatna Subramanya
Professional experience for Shashank Basavapatna Subramanya
- Implemented an incremental build support for the IDEal framework. - Incrementally update the results of the analysis, after the target code has been modified, instead of performing a re-run of the analysis on the whole target code. - Saves upto 60% of time needed when compared to a full build. Tools & Technologies Java, Eclipse, Soot, Heros, Boomerang, IDEal, GitHub GitHub https://github.com/johspaeth/ideal
- Developed an Electron shell framework for which various plugins can be developed and used for gathering, maintenance and sharing of all the related evidence pertaining to a particular case (such as theft of credit cards) and establishing a relationship between these collected evidence items. - Worked on developing two plugins for this electron shell. Tools & Technologies Nodejs, Electron, React, Visual Studio Code
- 1 year and 7 months, Nov 2013 - May 2015
Software Engineer
Saxon Global Inc., Bangalore (India)
- Carried out the responsibility of communicating with the client for gathering requirements and working towards delivering these requirements. - Design, setup and maintenance of facts and dimension tables as a base for report generation. - Designed various ETL processes. - Worked on a framework for providing Business Intelligence solutions in Big Data space. - Worked on setting up of Hadoop, Hive and its maintenance. - Developed various applications to extract data from multiple sources.
Educational background for Shashank Basavapatna Subramanya
- Current 9 years and 5 months, since Oct 2015
Computer Science
Universität Paderborn
- 4 years and 1 month, Jun 2009 - Jun 2013
Computer Science
Visvesvaraya Technological University
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