Dr. Silke Boeffel
Professional experience for Silke Boeffel
- Current 10 years, since Mar 2015
NotchDelta Recruiting & Consulting
Training and coaching of sales personnel in combination with executive search partners; focus on start ups and small to mid-sized biotech companies.
- Current 11 years and 11 months, since Apr 2013
Sales Training and Coaching
Training and Coaching for scientific sales people "From Science to Sales" is the sales training and coaching approach that is specifically designed for scientists in sales roles in the Life Sciences and Biotech industries. This approach helps your sales teams make a successful transition from being scientists to being sales representatives – and to enjoy what they are doing! After all, we are only really successful at what we enjoy doing.
- 1 year and 6 months, Apr 2014 - Sep 2015
Global Marketing Manager
2B FermControl GmbH
Define and coordinate all marketing activities of 2B FermControl directly and in cooperation with distribution partners world wide. Set up operative marketing plan and supervise and manage implementation with internal and external staff. Analyze global wine market with the aim to define potential growth areas for 2B FermControl. Initiate distribution partnerships in regions where 2B currently is not present
- 3 months, Apr 2013 - Jun 2013Dynamic Biosensors GmbH
Coaching Marketing and Sales (Freelance project)
Planned commercialization of new product including launch planning and preparation of marketing materials to enable smooth launch. Supported sales personnel recruitment process to develop candidate profiles and select candidates with appropriate skill set. Developed and implemented formal 5 day sales training program covering all major aspects of selling skills and customer management skills.
- 3 years and 11 months, Apr 2009 - Feb 2013
European Sales Manager
Biotage GmbH
Led multinational sales team to drive European Biotage revenue (total revenue approx. USD 10M). Focused on pharmaceutical and biotech industries as well as CROs and academia, explored new markets and identified growth opportunities for Biotage. Responsible for recruiting, training, and coaching of sales team. Translated marketing objectives into sales activities and created sales campaigns and sales tools together with marketing and product management.
- 3 years and 8 months, Aug 2005 - Mar 2009
Account Manager
GE Healthcare
Account management for academic and industrial accounts in Germany. Revenue per year: approx. EUR 4M. Covering the whole product portfolio of former Amersham Biosciences (Chromatography, Proteomics, Molecular Biology).
- 2 years and 2 months, Jun 2003 - Jul 2005
Post-Doc, Protein biochemistry
Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry
Research on protein biochemistry and protein folding in Yeast. Analysis of experimental data and presentation of data in scientific environment. Responsible for organisation of the lab.
- 1 year and 4 months, Feb 2002 - May 2003
University of Berne, Switzerland
Research in the field of plant molecular biology, transport of amino acids. Worked on project involving broad spectrum of molecular, biochemical, cellular and physiological methods
Educational background for Silke Boeffel
- 1 year, Dec 2013 - Nov 2014
Transformational Coach
Gumze Leadership Akademie
Systemisch integrales Coaching Business Coaching und Coaching zur persönliche Entwicklung Burnoutprävention, Transformation in Krisen und Konflikten
- 3 years and 4 months, Nov 1998 - Feb 2002
Plant Molecular Biology
University of Tübingen
Thesis: “The AtProT family: Transporters for compatible solutes in Arabidopsis thaliana.”
- 3 years and 2 months, Oct 1995 - Nov 1998
Molecular Biology
University of Tübingen
Plant physiology, genetics, and biochemistry Thesis: “Characterization of proline transporters in Arabidopsis thaliana and Lycopersicon esculentum via T-DNA insertion mutagenesis and in situ RNA hybridization."
- 2 years, Oct 1993 - Sep 1995
University of Bochum - Vordiplom, Biology
Basic studies (Grundstudium) in biology
First language
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