Yi Shen
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Professional experience for Yi Shen
- Current 3 years, since Mar 2022
Senior Software Engineer
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
1. Designing, building and maintaining secure scalable software. 2. Evolving the platform to enable our global customer base to deliver world leading guest experiences. 3. Troubleshooting and debugging production issues across services and multiple levels of the stack. 4. Inspiring quality by advocating software craftsmanship, agile best practices and continuous delivery/deployment techniques.
- 3 years and 1 month, Mar 2019 - Mar 2022
Software Engineer
Global Payments
- 2 years and 1 month, Mar 2017 - Mar 2019
Software Engineer & Scheduled Release Engineer
MYP Corporation
1. Developed 3 insurance projects for major clients. a. Communicating with clients, defining project requirements. b. Drawing up project development plan: identify project key tasks & estimate project time. c. Project development, testing & delivery. d. Identifying out of scope item and provide cost-effective solutions. e. Maintaining good client relationship. 2. Maintaining and enhancing responsible public module (formSPACE) 3. Scheduled release engineer
- 5 months, Nov 2016 - Mar 2017
Application Developer
AMET Education
• Developing applications for international trade department to automate work process. o Planning and developing product database. o Work automation functions including creating orders, generating purchase list, invoices, storing order history and so on. • Provide consultation to international students regarding to study enquires and immigration solutions. • Lodge Visa & University applications for international students.
- 4 years and 5 months, Jun 2012 - Oct 2016
Graduate Developer
Symbio Laboratories
• Developing applications & websites to integrate with Biology/Chemistry Lab management system(LIMS) for internal users to achieve work process automation and increase productivity. o Developing applications from initiation to completion. o Using Visual Studio & other techniques to design both back end and front end of the application. o Testing/Debugging. • Maintaining and editing company’s legacy programs and websites according to user’s requirements. • General IT Support
Educational background for Yi Shen
- 1 year and 11 months, Mar 2010 - Jan 2012
Information Technology
Griffith University
GPA: 6.13 out of 7 – (Equivalent to 1.8 in Germany) Awarded Griffith Award for Academic Excellence 2011
- 1 year and 10 months, Mar 2008 - Dec 2009
Information technology
Mantissa College
GPA: 3.43 out of 4 – (Equivalent to 1.8 in Germany) Awarded: Academic Achievement-Best Student in 2009
First language
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