kartik Adhia
Professional experience for kartik Adhia
Java Programmer
Software entwicklung in java und oracle umfeld
- Current 9 years and 7 months, since Aug 2015
Software Development Analyst
UBS Switzerland AG
Development of applications in the area of Risk IT. Providing support in areas of Java, SQL, Unix and related technologies. software designing and development. Co-ordination of releases, etc
Italian Insurance Client, Pune: - During my time in this project, my responsibilities included solving real time critical issues with swift thinking and using programming abilities to the core. I was heavily applauded by the client for my keen learning skills and the depth of knowledge on each topic. - Skills in use during this time : Java (core), SQL, PL/SQL, Servlet-JSP framework, html, MVC, JUnit, Serena, eclipse, IBM-WAS, Tomcat etc.
Educational background for kartik Adhia
- 4 years and 1 month, Jun 2008 - Jun 2012
Electronics and Communication Engineering
K. J. Somaiya College Of Engineering
First language
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