Alf Christiansen
Professional experience for Alf Christiansen
Jenins-Server Migration Develope Backup Solution for Jenkins Jenkins-Service program CI/CD Reverse-Engineering
Team lead for concept phase, development of decentralized data center. Responsible for OS (RHEL7/8, SLES 12/15) Responsible for middle-ware postfix, SFTP etc
- 1 year and 6 months, Oct 2018 - Mar 2020BWI GmbH
DevOps Engineer / DevObs Consultant / Security Consultant
Daily Business Change-Incident-Management, it Security SLES 11, 12, 15,:RHEL 6,7; Satellite 5 and 6; Suse Manager 3, 4; docker, kubernetis , Linux Development, C/C++, Reverse-Engineering, Puppet, Ansible, Maximo, Jira, git/gitlab, vmware, scripting
- 4 months, Jun 2018 - Sep 2018
DevOps Engineer
Configuration Management Release and Deployment Management Designing Planning Rollout Planning Testing Communication RHEL 6,7, Satellite 5 and 6, docker, kubernetis , Linux Development, C/C++, Python, Reverse-Engineering, Puppet, Ansible, Jenkins, SonarQube, Jira, git/gitlab, vmware, scripting, JAVA, JAVA Script, HTML, PHP, HTML, CSS, NAGIOS
Plan & Build Servers Deployment Documentation Change/Incident Management Second/Third-Level-Support Security-Engineering Monitoring
Plan & Build Unix/Linux Server for Banks, Consultant
- 6 months, Jun 2016 - Nov 2016
Senior Systems Engineer/
BWI-Systeme GmbH
Reverse Engineering, Monitoring, Second Level Support, Migration SLES 11 to SLES 12, Change Management
- 1 month, Apr 2016 - Apr 2016
Senior Technician Analyst
Wincor Nixdorf
- 7 months, Jun 2015 - Dec 2015
IT Consultant / IT Analyst
Deutsche Telekom AG, Deutsche Telekom Technik GmbH
Reverse-Engineering, Monitoring
Orginize and improve Customizing Department, Consulting, 3rd-Line Support, Requirement Engineering, Incident Management, Software Engineering, Linux Development, Packeting, Testing, Monitoring.
- 2 years and 5 months, Jan 2011 - May 2013
Senior Technical Analyst / Consultant
Alf Christiansen
Supporting Strategic Development of IT Platform and Services. Architectural and Conceptual Consulting. Monitoring and Reporting Solutions. Migrations UNIX --> Linux, Web Applications, Technical Documentation, Administration, Training of Staff. Integration of applications with LDAP/Active Directory services, group and user management for distributed applications.
- 1 year, Jan 2010 - Dec 2010
Senior Technican Analyst / Consultant
Deutsche Telekom AG, Product Innovation
3rd line technical support for reverse cashing platforms (VARNISH). 3rd line technical support for web server platforms (Apache 1.3 - 2.2). UNIX/LINUX administration (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, Debian) in a multiple datacenter environment. Writing and reviewing technical documentation. 24/7 Support shift organisation. Advising support technicans on UNIX and networking information.
- 3 years and 10 months, Jan 2005 - Oct 2008
Consultant/Technical Team Support and Developement
My role included the technical management, documentation and further development of the Windows server 2003 platform, connect the SuSE Enterprise with that Windows platform, administration of Windows XP-Professional clients (more than 300) and Linux-clients (more than 20) group and user management.
- 1 year and 1 month, May 1998 - May 1999
Office-Administration / System Administration
I was asked to develop and deploy a complete centralized solution for the Resort-Ownership. Furthermore Building firewalls, IP Routing, web server, storage and remote administration solutions as a freelancing consultant. Close cooperation with local administration-team. Reporting directly to higher management.
- 8 years, Apr 1990 - Mar 1998
Educational background for Alf Christiansen
- 4 years and 9 months, Sep 2000 - May 2005
Electrical Engineering
University Of Applied Sciences Bremen
Information Technologies
First language
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