Bárbara Serrano
Professional experience for Bárbara Serrano
- Experience in 360 tech recruitment process - International recruiting experience in Portugal, Austria, and Germany - Emphasis on providing an exceptional candidate experience - Offering recruitment data insights and consulting to hiring managers - Onboarding new hires - Outplacement - Designing and conducting interview trainings for tech interviewers - Active participation in projects to enhance tech recruitment processes - Engagement in tech events and job fairs for industry networking and awareness
At Mindera I was responsible for the active sourcing of IT people with different profiles using Linkedin and other tools order to find the best candidates to match Mindera's needs. Furthermore, I was also responsible to communicate with those candidates (concerning the recruiting process, to send rejection emails, to schedule calls...) and to conduct some of the first calls with them. At the same time, I also had the opportunity to do some CV's screenings from time to time and also to be part of job fairs.
- 3 years and 7 months, Mar 2018 - Sep 2021Infineon Technologies
HR Specialist in Trainings Administration
At Infineon I was responsible for the organization of trainings for the internal employees. I was always in contact with them, with trainers, program managers and also with suppliers. At the same time I was responsible to create the trainings in SAP SF to allow the employees to register for those trainings; for the catering, material, room setup planning; for the hotel booking; for the purchase requisitions and purchase orders creation; and also for the verification and approval of invoices.
- 4 years, Feb 2014 - Jan 2018
Sales Assistant
At BDBA, a luxury women fashion brand located at El Corte Inglés, I was responsible for the costumer service, for the merchandising of the clothing and accessories and also for the store and warehouse organization.
- 8 months, Dec 2014 - Jul 2015
Psychologist trainee
Instituto da Segurança Social
Here I did an internship in the Adoption Service. I was responsible to evaluate candidates for adoption, to understand if they had the necessary skills and motivation to be an adoptive father/mother. At the same time, I also had the opportunity to participate as a trainer in some training sessions for those candidates. I was also responsible to follow some of the transitions and pre-adoptions and to give the necessary support.
- 1 year and 3 months, Nov 2012 - Jan 2014
Sales Assistant
At Shana, a fashion low cost store located at Alameda Shop & Spot, I was responsible for the costumer service, for the merchandising of the clothing and accessories and also for the store and warehouse organization and cleaning.
- 3 months, Apr 2012 - Jun 2012
Sales Assistant
Jack and Jones
At Jack & Jones, a man clothing store located at Alameda Shop & Spot, I was responsible for the costumer service and for the store and warehouse organization and cleaning.
- 1 year and 7 months, Sep 2010 - Mar 2012
Sales Assitant
Zara Home
At Zara Home, a decoration store located at Alameda Shop & Spot, I was responsible for costumer service, for the merchandising and also for the store and warehouse organization.
Educational background for Bárbara Serrano
- 2020 - 2021
Human Resource Management and Development
Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto
- 2013 - 2015
Psychological intervention, education and human development
Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto
- 2010 - 2013
Instituto Universitário da Maia
First language
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