Sven Lamprecht

Angestellt, Director, Atotech Deutschland GmbH (TOTAL Konzern)

Berlin, Deutschland

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

Team player
Fighting the three evil M's "muda mura muri"
think global act local


Berufserfahrung von Sven Lamprecht

  • Bis heute 17 Jahre und 5 Monate, seit 2007


    Atotech Deutschland GmbH (TOTAL Konzern)

    Head of Atotech Electronics OEM team, which is located in Japan, Germany and the US. Digesting industry roadmaps by focusing on the expertise of a broad cross-section of individuals from industry, academia, government and NGOs. Identifying major areas which have the ability to make a business impact. Conducting gap analysis that identifies challenges and opportunities facing the PWB and Packaging Substrate industry. Developing a ten-year vision for GREEN and Technology based R&D programs and projects

  • 1996 - 2007

    Global Product Manager

    Atotech Deutschland GmbH - (TOTAL Konzern)

    Responsible for worldwide BtB marketing and introduction for final surface finishes (ENIG, ENEPIG, I-Sn, I-Ag) and related manufacturing equipment. Holding several patents in the field of wet chemical processing, and applications used for PWB and Packaging Substrate manufacturing. Author of numerous papers and publications (100+) in the field of final surface finishes and for advanced PWB and Packaging Substrate manufacturing.

  • 1985 - 1988

    Technical Engineer for Electroplating Applications

    Schering AG

    Process development, process trainier for internal and external operators, and worldwide field support for GMF and Electronics electrochemical processes.

Ausbildung von Sven Lamprecht

  • 1993 - 1996

    Industrial Engineering and Management (Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen)

    Hochschule Emden/Leer

    Diploma "Interactions between Production Consumables and Inventory Control" (SQL software solution)

  • 1989 - 1992

    Surface Technology and Material Science (Oberflächentechnik und Werkstoffkunde)

    Hochschule Aalen

    Corrosion, Electroplating, wet chemical processes for PWB production; Diploma "Fe2/Fe3 Redoxsystems in Acidic Copper Electroplating Solutions"


  • Deutsch


  • Englisch



freshwater fishing
saltwater fishing
fly fishing & casting
sustaining and disruptive innovations

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