Edward Knoy

is looking for freelance projects. 🔎

Angestellt, Owner, Knoy-Consulting

Kürten, Deutschland

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse



Berufserfahrung von Edward Knoy

  • Bis heute 5 Jahre und 1 Monat, seit Juli 2019



    Freelance engineering management consultant, aspiring to use my 30+ years experience to help start-ups (both entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs) to develop their ideas into real, robust actions. I have particularly successful in interim management and leadership development at automotive start-ups.

  • Bis heute 5 Jahre und 1 Monat, seit Juli 2019



  • 30 Jahre und 1 Monat, Juni 1989 - Juni 2019

    Chief Engineer / Director

    Ford Motor Co.

    Several different positions in Product Development and Quality over a 30 year career on three different continents (Europe, North and South America). My last position as Chief Engineer of Suspension and Frames was a global one, with a team of 400 engineers across 10 Product Development Centers in 9 different countries on 5 different continents. Global turnover of engineered content was 4.4 billion USD. Also had leadership positions in Ford of Europe Quality and Ford South America Vehicle Engineering.

  • 9 Jahre und 1 Monat, Mai 1980 - Mai 1989

    Regional Manager

    Tank Industry Consultants

    Started as engineer in training part-time while studying and then developing to the position of East Coast Regional Manager based in Maryland. Grew the east coast business to be a significant portion (nearly 50%) of TIC's turnover.

Ausbildung von Edward Knoy

  • 2 Jahre und 6 Monate, Dez. 1984 - Mai 1987

    Mechanical Engineering

    Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

  • 3 Jahre und 9 Monate, Sep. 1980 - Mai 1984

    Civil Engineering

    Duke University


  • Deutsch


  • Englisch


  • Portugiesisch


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