Aehtesham Bhutta
Professional experience for Aehtesham Bhutta
- Current 6 years and 4 months, since Nov 2018
Head of Finance and Administration
World Enterprises
Finance and operations professional with 12+ years of experience in CAPEX controlling, multi-project management, and strategic financial reporting. Skilled in financial analysis, budget optimization, and process improvement. Proven success in dynamic, growth-focused environments, leveraging modern tools and fostering cross-functional collaboration. Dedicated to advancing digital connectivity. Fluent in English with developing proficiency in German.
Educational background for Aehtesham Bhutta
- 3 years and 6 months, Feb 2014 - Jul 2017
Business Administration
National University of Modern Languages, Pakistan.
My specialization is in Finance, enriched by a diverse curriculum covering key areas such as corporate finance, financial risk management, strategic management, and multivariate data analysis. My thesis, The Impact of Credit Constraints on the Productivity and Growth of SMEs in Pakistan, reflects my focus on real-world financial challenges and strategic solutions. This robust academic foundation equips me with analytical and managerial skills to excel in dynamic business environments.
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