Guilherme Storck
Professional experience for Guilherme Storck
- Current 3 years and 2 months, since 2022
Data Visualization Designer
MJV Technology & Innovation
• assessment and development of data visualizations for clients aiming towards a more data-driven future • support in data & analytics business proposals • team lead of data visualization designers • collaboration with other designers, data scientists, data engineers and data architects in projects involving data science, AI, machine learning and design thinking • workshops and training on information visualization • building processes and documentation of best practices
- Current 7 years and 10 months, since May 2017
Team Lead UX Design
Gazeta do Povo
Leader of a design, UX and development multidisciplinary team, working for the newsroom of Gazeta do Povo I have been designing interfaces for 10 years now and leading teams in the last 6 years, working closely with developers in the intersection between design, code and business requirements. Much of my work relies on data, and I can make my way through spreadsheets, R and BI software as Tableau or PowerBI. Interests: education, public safety and mobility (http://bit.ly/guistorck-ux-mobility)
- Current 11 years and 6 months, since Sep 2013
Head of UX
Oficina Leve
- 1 year and 9 months, Sep 2019 - May 2021
Infographics and motion graphics teacher
UniBrasil Centro Universitário
Audiovisual narratives and new media. Postgraduate program
- 2 years, May 2018 - Apr 2020
Data Visualization Teacher
Introduction to data visualization. Distance learning and in company courses
- 4 years and 1 month, May 2013 - May 2017
Infographics Editor
Gazeta do Povo Newspaper
Production of infographics, data visualization pieces and interactive special features for the newspaper Interface design, information architecture and project management for multimedia publishing. Analysis and tracking of performance metrics for digital products, aiming at digital subscriptions. Publishing journalistic content from databases; collaboration in news stories with data analysis and use of visual resources.
- 3 years and 4 months, Feb 2010 - May 2013
Information Designer
Gazeta do Povo Newspaper
- Design of information graphics for print and web - Data journalism. Data scraping, cleaning and visualization - Trainings and promotion of data culture inside the newsroom
Educational background for Guilherme Storck
- 5 months, Aug 2018 - Dec 2018
Big Data and Market Intelligence
- 7 months, Aug 2008 - Feb 2009
Cologne University of Applied Sciences
Exchange program BRAZIL - GERMANY
- 5 years, Jan 2006 - Dec 2010
Graphic Design
Universidade Federal do Paraná
First language
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