Dipl.-Ing. Manfred Rothemund
Professional experience for Manfred Rothemund
- Current 7 years and 7 months, since Aug 2017
Business Manager Strategic Investments / Strategy & CTO Office
T-Systems International GmbH / Deutsche Telekom AG
strong skills to operate successfully in a VUCA environment! passionate entrepreneur/manager & exceptional leader, able to build and grow business to win the market; with a proven track record in building digital products, digital marketing campaigns, and much more!
- Current 12 years and 3 months, since Dec 2012
Deutsche Telekom
- Current 26 years and 5 months, since Oct 1998
Adept, Flowfinder, Storyteller & Hug Trader
rothemund and friends
- 3 years and 1 month, Jul 2014 - Jul 2017
Commercial Management / Produktportfoliostrategie & - management
Deutsche Telekom GmbH
Corporate Entrepreneur and self-motivated digital enthusiast and happieness provider with in depth knowledge of cutting-edge technologies and wide scope of the mobile/e/d -commerce, payment and innovation market.
MyWallet: Business Owner Value Added Services and X-Commerce, Product Owner Scrum, Senior Product Management MyWallet, Management of cross-functional implementation projects across European footprint, x-MNO,/ GS1 topics, all about digital Wallets <> perfect in project execution / implementation
- 2012 - 2012
Leiter Produkte und Innovation (VP)
tallence GmbH
verantwortlich für Geschäftsmodelle, Produkte, deren Weiterentwicklung und Monetarisierung
Founder / Investor / Head of Heads / Happiness Provider & CEO
Intercon GmbH, intereon GmbH & Co. KG, tps GmbH, fly-in gastro GmbH
Consultant, Expert, Interim Manager, Projektleiter, IP based Business Development and Models, Shareholder, Founder, Co-founder, Coach, Business Angel,
COO, Kreaktivist & Rainmaker & Multimedia Evangelist
rock the biz
Impulsgeber & Macher im Bereich New Marketing, Video, Musik und Mediaplanung, Konzept- und Ideenfindung & -umsetzung!
Management Consultant // Senior Consultant
Mücke, Sturm & Company GmbH
Manager Mentor Projektleiter Vor- und Mit-Denker
backflipper // helfende Hand // Impulsgeber
ideenflipper .... eheramtliche tätigkeit; unternehmerische hilfe und austausch!
Senior Project Manager // Senior Expert
Mücke, Sturm & Company GmbH
Project Manager / and much more
Lufthansa AirPlus
Educational background for Manfred Rothemund
- 5 months, Nov 1994 - Mar 1995
Baseball / hardball
NHSBCA/BA Naples Florida
Baseball ;)
Registered Strength and Conditioning Coach (RSCC)
FernUniversität Hagen
FH Darmstadt
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