Georg Greve

Angestellt, Chairman and Head of Product Development, Vereign AG

Zug, Schweiz

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

Team Building and Management
Strategic Analysis of Technology and Politics
Policy Development
Consensus Building
Project Management


Berufserfahrung von Georg Greve

  • Bis heute 6 Jahre und 9 Monate, seit Nov. 2017

    Chairman and Head of Product Development

    Vereign AG

  • Bis heute 13 Jahre und 9 Monate, seit Nov. 2010


    Open Forum Academy

    Fellow of the Open Forum Academy, a think tank with a broad aim to examine the paradigm shift towards openness in computing that is currently underway, and to explore how this trend is changing the role of computing in society.

  • Bis heute 14 Jahre und 7 Monate, seit Jan. 2010

    Board member

    Open Database Alliance

    Honorary activity to provide strategic input and diversity of views with a long term Free Software perspective; providing connection to other groups and positions.

  • Bis heute 15 Jahre und 2 Monate, seit Juni 2009

    Board member

    Free Software Foundation Europe

    Honorary activity in the area of strategic guidance of the association, participation in policy activities, and specific activities for FSFE's management.

  • Bis heute 26 Jahre und 7 Monate, seit 1998


    GNU Project

    Speaking on behalf of the GNU Project and Free Software movement about issues concerning software freedom in business, technology, law, politics, law and strategy.

  • 7 Jahre und 5 Monate, Feb. 2010 - Juni 2017

    CEO & President of the Board

    Kolab Systems AG

  • 3 Jahre und 5 Monate, Jan. 2008 - Mai 2011


    European Commission

    Reviewer for QualiPSo project IST-FP6-034763. Strategic analysis and counseling of European Commission and project management regarding project objectives and evaluation of project success.

  • 5 Monate, Sep. 2009 - Jan. 2010

    Strategic Advisor

    Open Database Alliance

    Strategic Consultant / Contractor to the drive incorporation and start-up of the Open Database Alliance, a non-profit industry ecosystem association for Free Software databases. Development of Articles of Association as well as internal policies and structures, facilitation of consensus building between initial participants, strategic communication & relationships.

  • 2 Jahre und 8 Monate, Nov. 2006 - Juni 2009

    Board member


    Founding member of the Dynamic Coalition on Open Standards (DCOS) at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) of the United Nations (UN). Open Standards analysis and promotion.

  • 8 Jahre und 4 Monate, März 2001 - Juni 2009

    President / Founder

    Free Software Foundation Europe

    Chairing general assembly. Chief strategist and analyst for policy issues. Representation of the organisation towards United Nations, European Commission, national governments, industry and the media. Coordination of staff and priority projects. Bringing the organisation through infancy, childhood and puberty.

  • 2 Jahre und 5 Monate, Juli 2006 - Nov. 2008

    Board member


    EU FP6 project IST-2005-34595 to develop authoring platform for e-learning based on Free Software and Open Standards. Chair of Legal Experts Group (LEG). Responsible for legal policy, long-term legal strategy, legal sustainability.

  • 9 Monate, Aug. 2007 - Apr. 2008

    Technical Programs Manager / Open Standards Specialist


    Strategic Consultant / Contractor as Open Standards specialist. Representation of Google on DIS29500 process towards various national standardisation bodes. Member of German (DIN) and Swiss (SNV) standardisation bodies. Coordination of Google's activities for the DIS 29500 Ballot Resolution Meeting (BRM). Technical and strategic analysis and implementation.

  • 2003 - 2008

    Invited expert

    The World Bank

    Teaching at the annual "Procurement of Information Systems in World Bank -financed projects" course for World Bank project managers at the International Training Centre (ITC) of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in Turin. Half-day seminar about the strategic benefits of Free Software and Open Standards in World Bank financed projects under economic, political, social inclusion and development related aspects. Introduction into business models and best practice discussion.

  • 2002 - 2007

    Co-coordinator of PCT Working Group

    World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)

    Co-coordinator of Civil Society Working Group on Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks (PCT) at the United Nations (UN) World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). Coordination of political analysis, strategic considerations and tactical implementation of political positions on Free Software, Open Standards and Freedom of Knowledge issues for Civil Society.

  • 2002 - 2007

    Co-coordinator of PCT Working Group

    World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)

    Co-coordinator of Civil Society Working Group on Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks (PCT) at the United Nations (UN) World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). Coordination of political analysis, strategic considerations and tactical implementation of political positions on Free Software, Open Standards and Freedom of Knowledge issues for Civil Society.

  • 7 Jahre und 6 Monate, Jan. 1999 - Juni 2006


    Brave GNU World

    Monthly column about the GNU Project and Free Software in general. Analysing effects on and interaction with politics, science and society. Printed in English, German, French, Korean, Japanese, Portuguese.

  • 4 Monate, Apr. 2004 - Juli 2004

    Interim board member

    X.Org Foundation

    Interim board member of the X.Org Foundation. Work involved issues of political and organisational nature to help put technical basis of the X Window System on a solid organisational basis.

  • 2001 - 2004

    Board member


    FP5 EU project IST-2005-34879 to build Free Software professional multimedia distribution, laying the foundations for Ubuntu Studio. Responsible for legal sustainability and policy, as well as strategic positioning to ensure maximum usability after project end.

  • 2002 - 2003

    Civil Society representative in German Governmental Delegation

    World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)

    Representation of the German Civil Society Coordination Circle in the German Governmental Delegation to the United Nations World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). Policy strategy and diplomacy on Civil Society issues, i.e. Free Software, Open Standards, freedom of knowledge, human rights, gender equality, and others.

  • 8 Monate, Juni 2000 - Jan. 2001

    Software Developer

    ID-PRO GmbH

    Development of system monitoring software in C++.

Ausbildung von Georg Greve

  • 8 Jahre und 5 Monate, Okt. 1992 - Feb. 2001


    University of Hamburg

    Physical Oceanography (Bachelor/Vordiplom) Biophysics (Master/Diplom) Diploma thesis on scanning probe microscopy (interdisciplinary thesis with Computer Science in the area of Nanotechnology)


  • Englisch


  • Deutsch


  • Portugiesisch



Free Software
Open Standards
Technology Politics
International Diplomacy

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